A Probable History of the Golden Family
of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761
Updated 2022.04.17
The individuals below may appear in your DNA matches.
- Parents: John Slaughter (1598–1632) and Margaret Anne Upton (1608–1655)
- DNA Tested?
~~~ No. No known descendants are yDNA tested.
~~~ Yes. One or more descendants are DNA (atDNA) tested.
~~~ Yes. One or more male descendants are yDNA tested. - Birth:1630
- Death: about 3 Aug 1657, Old Rappahannock County, Virginia
- Spouse: Elizabeth Underwood (1632-1673)
- Children:
~~~ Yes, will be added. - Military: Yes. Held rank of Captain in the militia.
- Working Notes: Yes, but not yet organized online.
Yes. Notes are private from public view. - Relationship WDGolden: 8th GGF (maternal line)
~~~ 1656: Last will and testament made by Frances Slaughter. Date of death not recorded but appears to have been at some time in 1657.
©2022 William Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com // Material may be shared without requesting permission and with appropriate attribution: A Probable History of the Golden Family of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761, by William Golden ©2022