A General History of the Thomas Gouldman Family
of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia
Updated 2027.07.28
The individuals below may appear in your DNA matches.
Used for Comparison: DNA tests for a Gouldman daughter, grandaughter from the line of Asa Gouldman (c.1775-1818) and a Gouldman son from the line of Thomas Gouldman (c1770-bef. 1816). Both Asa and Richard are sons of Richard Gouldman (1735-1799).
NOTE: as of July 2023 there is a Gouldman male Ancestry test that can be used; has not been compared as of writing this.
Among their shared DNA matches are the appearance of Barbara Goulden and John Raines, with Raines leading to the Rainey and Shands family [1]There is at least one DNA match with a Shands descendent that did not go through the Rainey family. .
There are no known genealogic kinships of Virginia Gouldmans with these individuals, but direct interaction existed between William Rainey and Francis Gouldman [2]Francis Gouldman born c1658, died at some time in 1716. The Records of Essex County, Clerk’s Office, Tappahannock, Virginia. Deeds, Wills etc., No. 14. page 680. His last will and testament was … Continue reading. By 1715, Francis was ill or dying and putting his affairs in order. Francis was also putting the affairs of his brother Edward Gouldman‘s estate in order. [3]For whatever reason, Edward Gouldman did not put or allow for future control of his estate by his wife Martha “Patsy” Tomlin Gouldman (c1680-1721). Francis Gouldman likewise bypassed … Continue reading
Barbara Goulden and John Raines of Caroline County, Virginia
Items below are still in edit mode as of November 2022. All notes are accurate but more precision needed in explaining relationship + footnotes need to be added.
Barbara Goulden is virtually mythical in our Golden family. The only documentary proof that she ever existed is a 1942 DAR Application (Approved). Despite no record of her existing, there are no shortage of DNA matches with descendants of the Raines family that she married into. The Raines also went by the name of ‘Rainey’. Gouldmans associate with members of this very Raines and Rainey family during the very early 1700s. I have a conspiracy theory that I will share with you one day about Francis Gouldman, brother to Edward Gouldman, and a business deal that he made in 1715 with William Rainey.
Is Barbara Goulden actually Anne Olliver?

William Goulden of Thornganby, Yorkshire, England

©2023 William Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com // Material may be shared without requesting permission and with appropriate attribution: A General History of the Thomas Gouldman Family of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, compiled by William Golden
↑1 | There is at least one DNA match with a Shands descendent that did not go through the Rainey family. |
↑2 | Francis Gouldman born c1658, died at some time in 1716. The Records of Essex County, Clerk’s Office, Tappahannock, Virginia. Deeds, Wills etc., No. 14. page 680. His last will and testament was signed on 9 Jan 1715 or 1716, and probated on 21 Nov 1716. |
↑3 | For whatever reason, Edward Gouldman did not put or allow for future control of his estate by his wife Martha “Patsy” Tomlin Gouldman (c1680-1721). Francis Gouldman likewise bypassed Martha’s future control over the estate and designated close kin Thomas Waring to take charge of the Edward Gouldman estate once Francis Gouldman passed away. Thomas Waring did take control of the estate and there were running legal battles with Edward’s widow until her death in 1721. She had remarried to William Winston. |