A Probable History of the Golden Family
of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761
Updated 2023.09.20
The individuals below may appear in your DNA matches.
Some Scoggin(s) and Scroggin(s) families appear to have the same origin. The name has morphed both directions over time among family members. [1]Example: Wayne LeRoy Scroggins, 1930-2006, descends from a Scoggins line who surname morphed from Scoggin to Scroggin in 1859.
However, there are indeed two distinct Scoggins and Scroggins families that are not related. They have different origins.
I track both families in my tree as both appear within DNA matches among all branches of our Golden family.
Bill Golden: DNA testing indicates that I am personally descendant on both my maternal and paternal line to the Scoggins family of York County, South Carolina. I know how I am kin on my maternal line (via my grandfather). Do not know yet how I connect on my Golden male line but there are clues via some DNA matches known to be genealogically my paternal line but also identifying as maternal. [2]WNG038 clearly descends via Sarah Frances Golden, 1796–1819, married to Peter Elijah Funderburgh (Funderburk), 1790–1872. Closely associated as shared DNA matches with three or more Scoggins … Continue reading
Isaac Golden line: known to have intermarried with the Scoggins of York County, SC in the early 1800s. Other Golden descendants of various William and Nelly Golden lines also show Scoggins DNA matches.
The probable intersection of DNA connectivity is probably with the Scoggins-Bates line of John Scoggins, 1752–1835, and wife Sarah Walker, 1762–1828, both of Virginia having settled in the York County, SC area. My maternal grandfather of the Scoggins line came from York County, SC.
~~~ 1763: WNGolden descendant lines have DNA matches that converge with the family of Jonah H. Scoggins, 1763–1845, and Anna Hightower, 1765–1850, and even more diverse Golden lines (pre-1800 branches) are DNA matches with Johah’s parents: Nicholas Scoggins, 1741–1826, and Elizabeth “Betty” Prince, 1744–1778.
©2023 William Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com // Material may be shared without requesting permission and with appropriate attribution: A Probable History of the Golden Family of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761, by William Golden ©2022
↑1 | Example: Wayne LeRoy Scroggins, 1930-2006, descends from a Scoggins line who surname morphed from Scoggin to Scroggin in 1859. |
↑2 | WNG038 clearly descends via Sarah Frances Golden, 1796–1819, married to Peter Elijah Funderburgh (Funderburk), 1790–1872. Closely associated as shared DNA matches with three or more Scoggins lines. |