DNA Tests

DNA testing can help you, and us, in genealogy research in many different ways.

The KIND of DNA test matters however as to how useful it will be. Much depends upon why you are considering taking a DNA test. 

Got questions? Glad to help! 

Bill Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com

atDNA Tests

atDNA examines inherited DNA from your parents and their parents. It includes a high level of predictability in making connections going four generations back. Some level of DNA matching is possible going back 7-10 generations.

This kind of test is best for discovering your ethnic and regional mix from the last 4-10 generations. Test results can vary slightly depending upon the company administering the test. Slightly different test results are not related to the science but to the ethnicity model being used. You should find that results are much the same regardless of the company providing the test.

Greatest Benefit: Making actual connections with others related to you are far as 10 generations back >>> IF you have a genealogy online to go with your test, and others do as well.

mtDNA Tests

This test tracks the female-specific DNA passed from mother to daughter, and from daughter to her daughter, ad infinitum. A son will inherit his mother’s mtDNA but will NOT pass it to his children.

mtDNA works much like a barcode. Only occasional changes occur within mtDNA — so occasional that it is theoretically possible to identify descent from a grandmother thousands of years in the past.

yDNA Tests

This test tracks the female-specific DNA passed from father to son, and from son to his son, ad infinitum. Daughters do not inherit a father’s yDNA … with some few exceptions. It has been reported that approximately 15% of daughters can detectably inherit some of their father’s yDNA.

yDNA works much like a barcode. Only occasional changes occur within yDNA — so occasional that it is theoretically possible to identify descent from a grandfather thousands of years in the past.

Golden / Golding / Goulding et al DNA Patriarch Database

For tracking Golden male lineage, I track yDNA by genealogy lines.

Learn about the DNA Patriarch Database and Privacy 

View Golden Family Lines identified via yDNA