Information Privacy
Identities of living people are not discussed within articles or posted on social media.
Exception: Postings may contain news articles or other currently published material which does discuss living individuals. Info items will only be shared which are positive (won an award, achieved something, named as realtor of the month, etc) or if such information is neutral and of interest to genealogy and family history: family reunion announcement, an ISO request, etc.
Contact information of individuals is never shared directly. Should someone wish to contact some source of information related to an article or posting then the contact info for the person requesting contact will be forwarded to the person of interest.
Analysis of DNA information is not provided with identifying information such as FamilyTreeDNA kit# or Ancestry account name, reference to living individuals and very rarely will make reference to individuals living AND passed away within the last 50 years.
Questions? Suggestions?
Bill Golden
Bill Golden
Got questions? Got information? See something that needs correction?