Jane Golden, c1814-1845

Golding / Golden / Goulding et al Family History on Facebook

Woman Silouette

The relationship below is unconfirmed by either documentation or DNA. My association of this Jane Golden, married to Harvey Capehart, is based upon circumstantial aspects of what is known about our Golden (Goulden) family and other families in the region at the time of Jane’s birth and death. 

Jane Golden, 1814–1845

BIRTH 1814, probably Pickens District, South Carolina
DEATH AFT. 23 MAR 1845, Pickens District, South Carolina


Nathaniel Greene Golden, Sr., c1783-1846, and Rachel Isabella Morgan, 1776-aft 1850.

Married 31 Jan 1841

Harvey Capehart, 1791–1881

BIRTH 1791 • South Carolina
DEATH 10 OCT 1881 • New Haven, Mason, West Virginia

About the Capehart (Gebhart) family, their property was next to that of our Goldens. The Capeharts were Pennsylvania Dutch (Deutsch / German) and their original name appears to have been Gebhart or possibly Kiphart.


None known. Married 31 Jan 1841, Jane passed away 1845.

My relationship: 3rd great-aunt

There were several Jane Goldens

NOTE: There was a Jane Golding, believed to be descended from the Richard Golding (1744-1788) line, daughter of Richard’s son William Golding (1775-1848). She is the Jane that probably married John Jasper Owens (1828-1907). William Owens did marry a Jane Golden/Golding; with a son named John Jasper.  However, the Owens family history does not make any claim as to who were her parents. It also lists her birthdate as 1814 and as being born in South Carolina — the same as our Jane.The Owens family history shows that their Jane died in 1850 in Arkansas, whereas our Jane died about 1845 in South Carolina.These two Janes lived and existed in the same general community. They appear to have been born in the same year, and their fathers were both born at the same approximate time. They are easily confused.


Of nine family histories on Ancestry.com that list Jane, born 1814, and married to John Owens:

— Eight claim that she was Golden and not Golding, but do not list her parents.
— Several list her death as 1845 (our Jane).
— the one Golding genealogy that claims Jane as the daughter of William Golding also lists her as being born in North Carolina. William did marry Jane Smith, who was born in North Carolina. It is unclear where William’s children were born. 
— the Owens family history claims that Jane was born in South Carolina, and does not list her parents

You are welcome to add to or to correct this story by contacting: Bill Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com

BTW – I look forward to sharing your stories, photos and in-search-of quests. Contact me at the email address above.