Grandparent Surnames

My Family History | My Extended Family | My Grandparents

INDEX of Grandparents with notes and comments


Gould, Golden, Goulden … Abbot, Avery, Barker, Belcher, Beville, Bland, Brooke, Brooks, Buckner, Burch, Childers, Clay, Colson, Cooper, Daniel, Easton, Edsal, Epes/Eppes, Fields, Fox, Frogley, Glenn, Greenslade, Hardin, Hastings, Hill, Holiday, Houston, Hemphill, Innes, Isham, James, Johnson, Jones, Ladd, Lewis, Loftin, Love, Martiau (also grandparent of George Washington), Martin, McDavid, McGuffy, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Mullins, Nevins, Owen, Perry, Reade, Sherwood, Sikes/Sykes, Smith, Staggs, Stallyon, Taliafero, Tarrant, Tomlin, Walpole, Warner, Wells, Weems, Willis, Wilson, Wortham/Worsham


Almand, Barrow, Blow, Bruce, Clark/Clarke, Cocke, Colgate-Buckner, Covington, Cowen/Couan, Cowper, Drew, Elliott, Embry, Gilbert, Gross, Hill, Hines, Hunter, Hymand, King, Larcome, Meritt, Nasmith, Norfleet, Norsworthy, Norton, Parker, Pleasants, Powell, Putrasse, Rand, Riddick, Shepherd, Smith, Steill, Stevens, Stevenson, Underwood, Walker, Wilson