Recent News and Notes

I research all Goldens, and similar names,  whose family lines are believed to have settled in North America before 1800. Am in search of my Goldens — but find it quicker to collect them all and then to sort them out. As of mid-2018, I also research Gouldman and Keeling families that originated in Virginia prior to 1800.

Our Goulden/Golden line appears to have descended from the Keeling line that settled in Virginia, closely related to George Keeling (c1650 VA – 1720 NC) and Edward Keeling (c1640 EN/VA – 1697 VA). Our Gouldens may also have been Gouldmans briefly between 1660-1710/20 when the Goulden name was first recorded in the Rappahanock, Virginia area. My belief is that the Gouldmans also descend from Keelings.

So while I may not be related to your Goldens or Gouldings or Gouldens or …. I do want to know about them, and may be able to help find new information about them.

Best regards,
William “Bill” Golden

Golden Keeling Family 2019

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Arriving in America – 1607 to 1699 — Family history and genealogy for surnames of Golden, Golding, Goulding, Goldman, Gouldman, Goleman, Golman, Golmon and other similar families arriving in America and the Carribean.

Book: Christchurch Parish records from 1653-1812, Middlesex, Virginia

Christchurch Parish records from 1653-1812, Middlesex, Virginia … 336 pages, published 1897 … Super indexed. Contains the registry of life events in the parish as well as by-name index at the end of the book. Unique to this parish record are the many slaves that are listed by name and their own life events

The Dameron-Damron genealogy; the descendants of Lawrence Dameron of Virginia, by Helen Foster Snow - 1953 ... 'Laurence Damorell' arrived in Northumberland, Virginia by 1655 and would soon spread to Albemarle Parish and King George County

Book for Download: Dameron-Damron genealogy; the descendants of Lawrence Dameron of Virginia

Book — The Dameron-Damron genealogy; the descendants of Lawrence Dameron of Virginia, by Helen Foster Snow – 1953 … ‘Laurence Damorell’ arrived in Northumberland, Virginia by 1655 and would soon spread to Albemarle Parish and King George County

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Military Service

Golding / Golden / Goulding et al Family History on Facebook Military Service throughout History: I look forward to highlighting the military service and sacrifice of family members throughout our shared history: Military Campaigns Before 1750 French & Indian War | Revolutionary War War of 1812 | Mexican-American War |  Civil War  | Indian Wars … Read more

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Military Service World War II

Golding/Golden/Goulding et al Family History on Facebook   U.S. Army Service – World War II 36 Gauldens 28 Gauldings 1900 Goldens 176 Goldings 24 Gouldens 88 Gouldings The following served their country when called upon. Golden – Arvle “Goldie”, 11 Apr 1945 • Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, Enlisted US Army. Golden – Cletus Franklin  (KIA) … stepped … Read more

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Sgt. Nicholes Darwin Golding – KIA at Ghazni, Afghanistan – Feb 13, 2004

Sgt. Nicholes Darwin Golding – KIA at Ghazni, Afghanistan – Feb 13, 2004. SGT Nicholes Golding’s line of Goldings comes from Harry Golding, born in 1871. Harry immigrated to the USA in 1885 via the ship ‘City of Richmond’. Point of origination was Liverpool, England and destination point was Queens, New York. This ship brought a new line of Goldings to America.

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Jacob Golden, Sr., 1779 – His Last Will on file in Martinsville, Henry County, Virginia

September 17, 1779 / JACOB GOLDEN, of Henry County, being weak in body, dated Sept. 17, 1779. My wife to be sole executor of what I have left during her life and widowhood, and I make Thomas Stogdon (sic Stockton) and Richard Dickins my executors to see that nothing be wanted.

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Thomas Golden c1685 of Middlesex, Virginia Homepage A Probable History of the Golden Family of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761 Updated 2024.04.14   The individuals below may appear in your DNA matches.   Thomas Golden of Middlesex County, Virginia began showing up in my DNA matches after numerous members of the Goare and Gore families took DNA tests. Matches with some … Read more

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Nicholas Martiau, LWT 1657, Freed Slaves

Nicholas Martiau, LWT 1657, Freed Slaves, Virginia Nicholas Martiau is my 11th grandfather. Nicholas Martiau, 1591–1657, married to Jane Elizabeth Berkeley (DeBerkely), 1593–1686. His last will and testament (LWT) dated 1 Mar 1656/7, proven and recorded 24 Apr 1657. No sons, names three daughters. Two negroes Phill: and Nicholas to be free. Land for their use … Read more

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Arriving in America – Who, When, Where – 1700 to present — Family history and genealogy for surnames of Golden, Golding, Goulding, Goldman, Gouldman, Goleman, Golman, Golmon and other similar families.