Gouldmans and Keelings

Golding / Golden / Goulding et al Family History on Facebook

Timeline of Gouldman and Keeling Coexistence
Misc Notes: Gouldman | Keeling

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Our Goldens (Goulden) were once Keelings.

The Gouldmans from Virginia’s Northern Neck, Caroline and Essex counties, are also probably Keelings, from a branch formed just after Thomas Keeling set foot on Virginia soil back in 1628, and very closely related to the Keeling branch of Edward (c1640-1683/1697) and George Keeling (1650-1720).

YDNA testing can easily determine relationships between male lines. If interested, contact me: Bill Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com.

My male line has lived in the Northern Neck of Virginia and the Caroline County area since at least 1720 with the Goulden/Golden surname, with many of my non-Golden grandparents tracking back to the mid-1600s in the Essex and Caroline, Virginia area.

— A Barbara Goulden (c1720-1794, related by DNA) married a Henry Raines. Both came from ‘Goulden and Raines Corner’, Caroline County, Virginia.

Neither genealogy nor DNA shows relationship to any Golden surname family before 1720. However, YDNA testing shows direct male-descendant kinship to the Keeling family.

One Keeling, descended from 1847 English immigrant James Keeling, matches at the “related” level with my 67 marker FamilyTreeDNA YDNA test. Since my Goldens (Gouldens) had already been in America  at least 125 years prior, there must have been a prior Keeling immigrant. There were. My other extended family lived among them and atDNA distinctly highlights relationships with the Keelings.

Keeling 67 Marker Match

The first known Keeling to settle in America was in 1628:

Thomas Keeling, 1608–1664
—- born 1608 • Worcester, Worcestershire, England
—- married to: Anne Bray Thorowgood (Thorougood), 1618–1683

Keeling - Virginia Beach

The Essex, Virgina Gouldman and Keeling Connection

Ralph Warriner died in 1677 at his estate on Occupacia Creek, Rappahanock River, in Essex, Virginia. His daughter was named Mary Warriner and she was wife to Edward Keeling, lifelong close associate of Edward Gouldman. Upon his death, Warriner willed Edward Keeling half of his land, but gave the other half to Edward Gouldman.

— The will was witnessed by Henry Awbrey, 1625-1694, born at Abercynfrig, Brecon, Wales, father-in-law of Dorothy North, who married his son Richard Awbrey (c 1697) and was future wife of Thomas Gouldman, brother to Edward Gouldman.

—– Alice Awbrey, was Edward Gouldman’s mother, married to Thomas Gouldman Sr, and presumably sister or close kin to Henry Awbrey.

++ When Thomas Gouldman Sr died, wife Alice Awbrey Gouldman became his executrix, but there were issues with the estate being challenged in court (creditors). Edward Keeling stepped in to provide a security of 2000 pounds of tobacco as monetary assurance that debts of the estate could be handled.

++ Edward Keeling passed away (c1697) with no known children, and none claimed in his extensive will. He provided for his wife Mary Warriner Keeling, set aside money to specially order children books from England for the Virginia parish that he lived in, and gave one cow named ‘Pretty’ to his godson: Edward Gouldman, son of close associate, cousin?, Thomas Gouldman.

—– Godson Edward Gouldman would marry Martha “Patsy” Tomlin have a son named Thomas Gouldman, born after 1704, Francis Gouldman, born 1706, and supposedly there was a third son born soon after Edward Gouldman died in 1710.

Mystery: Martha “Patsy” Tomlin Gouldman would marry William (James?) Winston about 1714, and have son named William Winston in 1715. What happened to her three sons by Edward Gouldman? They would have ranged in age from 5-14 in 1715 … and yet history does not record what happened to them.

In my Ancestry.com file I have named Edward Gouldman’s son Thomas Gouldman (born c1704) as ‘Thomas Placeholder Goulden‘ and designated him as my 7th grandfather. Only time and more archival research will determine if he actually is.

Flash ahead to 1760 and the Indian Wars have enveloped the South Carolina countryside surrounding Newberry, South Carolina. Numerous Virginians from the Caroline and Essex counties of Virginia have been enticed to move to this frontier. In 1761, Thomas Goulden appears on record as a farmer as supplying the militia with foodstuff. Thomas petitions in late December 1762 for land of his own and is awarded 200 acres in 1763.

1761 is where my documentable Golden family story begins — but I have MANY grandparents of other surnames that reach back to the farms and families of Caroline and Essex, Virginia, from its earliest settled existence.

You are welcome to add to or to correct this story by contacting: Bill Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com

BTW – I look forward to sharing your stories, photos and in-search-of quests. Contact me at the email address above.