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Arriving in America – 1607 to 1699
Updated 2024.06.29
This list tracks arrivals, transportations, and first appearances in North America and the Caribbean of the following families: Gelding, Gold, Gould, Golden, Goldin, Golding, Goulden, Goulder, Goulding, Goldman, and Gouldman.
There are obvious challenges to documenting when someone immigrated first to America, and to whom they are related.
Part of that challenge is that records and individuals were very flexible with the spelling of surnames. I have seen some documents where the same surname was spelled three different ways. Our ancestors were documented fonetically, often not.
First Appearance of Surname in North America before 1700
- Galden — no known use during 1600s. House of Names believes Galden may derive from Dutch families named Gelder, van Gelder, Vangelder, Op-Gelder. Have not researched these Dutch surnames. [1]
- Gaulding — no known use during 1600s. House of Names believes Gaulding derives from Goldwin which became more commonly known as Goldin and Golding [2]
- Gelding, Geldinge — 1639, 1666, Gelding = Gelder as Golder = Golding. Gelding as surname survived in Virginia.
- Gold — 1635 … appears interchangeable with Gould
- Gould — 1635 … appears interchangeable with Gold
- Golden — 1652 … can appear as Goldin and Golding, very rarely as Goulden
- Goldin — 1691 … can appear as Golden or Golding
- Golder — 1635 … became Golden, Golding, and Goulding
- Golding — 1636 … appears interchangeable with Goulding
- Goldman — 1642 … in Virginia, probably became Gouldman
- Goulden — No known use during 1600s.
- Gouldin — No known use during 1600s. Virginia Gouldins are branch of an earlier 1600s Virginia Golding line.
- Goulding — 1607 … appears interchangeable with Golding
- Gouldman — 1666 … may be Goldman, see 1642
- Gulden — no known use during 1600s. ‘Gulden’ literally means ‘Golden’, and many Guldens would take the Golden surname after arriving. [3]
Known list of Arrivals, Transportations and First Appearances
1607 – George Goulding (Golding), a laborer, listed among the first wave of Jamestown, Virginia settlers (1611191846). It is almost certain that George Goulding died during 1607 as he disappears from ‘muster’ records.
1623 – George Goulding arrived at Martin’s Hundred around mid-January 1623 and was one of the Society of Martin’s Hundred’s servants. According to fellow servant, Richard Frethorne, Goulding died shortly thereafter in the home of Mr. William Harwood, the settlement’s principal leader (3)(4).
1623 – Sara Gouldinge (Gouldocke) came to Virginia on the Ann in 1623. In early 1625 she was living within the corporation of Elizabeth City (now Hampton, Virginia since 1952), where she was a 20 year old (11, p.32) servant in the household headed by John Banum and Robert Sweete (3)(4).
1623 – Thomas Goulding came to Virginia on the George in 1623. On February 4, 1624/5 (11, p.239), Thomas was living at Martin’s Hundred (7) where he was a 26 year old servant in Ellis Emmerson’s house. In August 1638 Thomas Goulding secured a patent for a lot in urban Jamestown. Thomas Goulding is listed in the Jamestown City, VA Census of 1624 as a 26 year old servant in the household of William Harwood in Martin’s Hundred (3)(4).
1634 – Jane Gouldinge of St Thomas the Apostle in Devon, about 16 years of age, is on a list of persons bound for St Christophers. They took the oath of allegiance given by Mr William Gourney, Mayor of Darmouth before departing on February 20, 1634. The list of passengers was compiled at the time by James Worthy, Deputy for Mr. Thoroughgood. [4]Book, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, pg 152.
1635 – John Golding departed from London on the ship “Ann and Elizabeth” in April 1635, bound for Barbados (5). His age is listed as ’21’, so he would have been born about 1614. [5]Book: The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, pg 70.
1635 Aug 21 – William Golder is to be transported to Virginia on the ship George. His age is 22, so born c1613. NOTE: It appears that the ship may be going to Gravesend (Brooklyn, New York). That is where he ended up. The name would become both Golden and Golding in many local records, especially in the Monmouth area of New Jersey where most descendants settled. This line is well documented and yDNA tested (R1b). More yDNA tests should be done just for confirmation of the many claimed male descendant lines.
1635 – William Goulding transported by Samuel Weaver, Virginia (8). Also: William Rawlings, Thomas Wills, Richard Lacy, Thomas Darby, Richard Powell, Thomas Weathersly, Grace Smith, Thomas Watlins, John Joyce, Richard Possin, Dennis Brotheron, Henry Harris. … as of 2023, there are no claimed descendants of this William Goulding. Should a male Goulding (or Golden) wish to claim descent then strongly recommend that they take a 37 or 67 marker yDNA test from >> because certainly they have no documentation of descent, AND there are at least five (5) major Golden/Golding lines coming out of Virginia. All five lines are yDNA tested.
1635 – John Gawing (Gaulding?) transported by Thomas Crompe, James City, Virginia.
1635 Apr 9 — Edward Gould arrived in 1635 aboard the Elizabeth (on 9 Apr 1635, “Edward Gold“, age 28, enrolled at London as a passenger for New England. Settled at Hingham, resettled to Boston in 1657, then again Hingham by 1663. [6]Great Migration, Vol 3, G-H … available online at Original data:Anderson, Robert Charles. The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Volumes 1-3; The … Continue reading
1636 – William Golding // Land Patent for William Parker, 350 acs. Warrisquicke (Warwick) Co., last day of May 1636, p. 362. Beg. at a little Cr. on the S. side of Nanzemund Riv., N. W. upon sd. river against Dumplinge Island & S. E. into the woods. Trans, of 7 pers: John Gately, John Middep, Jane Veale, Mary Harford, John Freethorne, Mary Waters, William Golding (6).
1637 – William Golding // Land Patent for THOMAS WESTON, Marriner, 650 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 9 Feb. 1637, p517. Upon Capt. John West his Cr. Wly. into the woods & Nly. upon Serjeant Wayne. Trans, of 13 pers: William Rawlings, Tho. Willis, Rich. Lacy Jon. Darbye, Rich. Powell, Tho Wetherbye, Grace Smith, Thomas Watkins, John Joyce, Richard Perrin Dennis Bretherston, Henry Harris, Wm Golding (6). // Per one modern English Golding (2013) the claim is made that this is William Leftridge Golding — we now know that this person did not exist (7).
1638 – Thomas Goulding already had land in Jamestown, Virginia prior to August. On August 31, 1638, Robert Johns is granted land adjacent to that of Thomas Goulding (1721431022).
1638 – Dorothy Golding, Thomas Golding // Land Patent for EDWARD OLIVER, 500 acs. upon the E. side of Chichahominy Riv., called by the name of Pynie point, W. upon the Riv., N. by E. upon the upper Cr., & S. S. E. upon Chechqeroes Baye. 1 May 1638, p. 562. Due in right of trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Golding, Dorothy Golding, John Smith, Thomas Grindall, John Turner, Francis Webster, Thomas Boaton, Georg Barber, Ann Edmonds, servts. to Xpher. Edwards, Thomas Edwards. Note: This pattent surrendered up & soe much taken in another place (6).
1638 – John Golding, transported with John Jackson & Eliza Kingswill, James City, Virginia (8).
1639 – Dorothy Golding, Thomas Golding // Land Patent for EDWARD OLIVER, 450 acs. James Citty Co., 16 Apr. 1639, p. 640. S.side of Chichahominy Riv., S. E. & N.W. into the woods, S. W. Sly. called by the name of Mattahunck (or Mattahauck). 150 acs. due by assignmt. from John Brodwell & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Golding, Dorothy Golding, John Smith, Thomas Grindall, Wm. Grames, Richard Baker. Note: Renewed & 300 acs. added. SAME. Same Co., date & page. At the head & upon the N. side of Chichahominy Riv. called by the Indians with the name Custipa, E. upon a great Sw. Due for trans, of 6 pers: John Turner, Francis Webster, Tho. Boughton, Georg Barker, Ann Edmonds, Thomas Edwards. Note: This pattern surrendered & land taken up to the former pattent. (6).
1639 – Dorothy Golding, Thomas Golding // EDWARD OLIVER, 750 acs. James Cittie Co., 16 Apr. 1639, p. 668. S. side of Chichahominy Riv., etc., called by the name of Mattahuncke. 150 acs. due by assignment from John Brodwell & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Golding, Dorothy Golding, John Smith, Thomas Grindall, William Graves, Richard Baker, John Turner, Francis Webster, Tho. Boughton, Geo. Barker, Ann Edmonds, Thomas Edwards (6).
1639 – William Gelding (Golding?) arrives at Accomac/Northampton, Virginia. [7]Source Bibliography NUGENT, NELL MARION. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666. Vol. 1. Richmond [VA]: Dietz Printing Co., 1934. 767p. Reprinted by … Continue reading Gelding family of Virginia is well documented with footnotes from arrival through early 1700s. [8]See Miles Files, search for Gelding, a service of the Eastern Shore Public Library,
1642 — This may be a Gelding; Geldings claim to have intermarried with Yeardley; see 1639. A Francis Goldman is documented as ‘transported’ to Virginia by Captain Francis Yeardly in 1642… and settled at Northhampton County, Virginia (now known as Accomack County). A 1642 arrival year probably indicates a birth before 1626 (age 16), if not 1621 (age 21, adulthood) or before. [9]There was a Francis Gouldman baptised 14 Sep 1606 at St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, Norfolk, England, born to Elizabeth Aldrich (Aldriche, Allred), age 22, and Richard aka Nicholas Goodwin / … Continue reading … Although a Francis transported a Francis to Virginia, ‘Francis’ is a rare name. Francis continues in use among Virginia Gouldmans some 380 years later. [10]Virginia Land Records [database on-line Ancestry] … Excerpted and reprinted from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine and … Continue reading … 1666: There were no individuals whose name started with ‘Gold’ or ‘Gould’ in the 1666 List of Tithables for Northampton County, Virginia. HOWEVER, there was a Thomas Coleman listed — ‘Cole’ and ‘Gold’ have been confused before. It was not uncommon for the ‘d’ to be silently pronounced, which is how Goldman probably became Golman and Goleman. … Tithable Northampton households were 372 white and 52 black, which is estimated to be a grand total of 1,116 whites and 156 blacks living in the county in 1666. [11]List of Titables in Northampton County, Virginia, August 1666, from the records in the Clerk’s Office, Communicated by T. B. Robertson, Eastville, Virginia … … Continue reading In a lengthy published history of early Accomack Plantation, Northampton County, Virginia, there is no mention a Goldman or Gouldman being active in the community as a landholder or a tithable. [12]There is however constant mention of the leading role that William Clayborn (Clairborne) and Gentleman John Haws (Hawes?) had in the community. It is unknown whether these are the Clairborne and … Continue reading
1654 – Edward Goulding and John Alexander, a Northern Neck Proprietor: “witnessed a sale of property on 29 December 1654 from John Dynely to Andrew Munroe to acknowledge sale of foregoing to Jno. Walton which Pattent which lyeth in the office which Pattent I bought of John Walton formerly, as recorded 12 Jan 1654/5.[13]Westmoreland Deeds, Wills, Patents, etc. 1653-1659.
1650 – Thomas Golding // Land Patent for CAPT. MOORE FANTLEROY, 350 acs. in Rappa. Riv., on S. side, running S. W. & adj. 200 acs. formerly taken up by sd. Fantleroy. 22 May 1650, p.229. Trans, of 7 pers: Edmond Hamond, John Cable, Richard King, Wm. Lewellin, Eliza Warren, Antho. Aston, John Till. // SAME. 5,350 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 22 May 1650, p. 230. 2600 acs. lyeth on the upper side of Farnham Cr., adj. land of Anthony Jackman; 2750 acres lyeth on lower side of sd. Cr., running nigh the mouth of New Mencococond Riv. Trans, of 107 pers: John Shaw, John Price, Tho. Golding, Pet. Swaine, Joseph Groomer, George West, John Wright, And. Bonner, Symon Taylor, Geo. Atten (or Allen) Hen. Bryan, Theo. Jones, Richd. Greenwell, Richd. Hooke, Maudlin Cartar, Jane Welch, Eliz. Ranson, Mary Bayle, Joane Moore, Eliz. Havant, Robt. Garlick, Xtopr. Miller, Jno. Welchman, Ri. Rice, Ri. Jones, Rich. Carrick, David Crisrall, Robt. Thomas, Tho. Poulter, Henrry Langley, Morgan Jones, Ri. Dixon, Aotan Hoord, Andrew Nokes, Lewis Hutchins, Wm. Mason, John Mixon, Tho. Richardson, Fra. Hill, Tho. Hill, Jno. Smellock (or Mellock), Peter Wilson, Banill Harris, John Denton, Giles Lactins, Dom. Lumby, John Skidd, Tho. Wariner, John Pope, Henry Fry, Step. Hall, Jam. Weston, Ben. Hayfeild, Wm. Watts, Geo. Walgrove, Peter Craner, Jno. Murrey, Wm. Valler, Jos. Cowling, Geo. Price, Wm. Hownson, Richd. Smith, Tho. Stelet, Edw. House, John Collins, Joner Sharper, Law. Chiles, Hen. Grimes, Tho. Poultner, And. Holmes, Wm. Nusum, Mary Porten, Eliz. Rey, Matt. Whorson, Eliz. Turner, Fra. Carpenter, John Holly, Tho. Harding, Robt. Manker, Lawlin Rawkin, Alex. Camell, Tho. Mann, Mary Hill, Ann Demecry, Eliz. Barker, Marg. Cripps, Jno. Williams, Edw. Barber, Wm. Richards, Jno. Gouge, Marke Wight, Robt. Nuttall (6).
1650 – Gabriell Golding // Land Patent for MR. EPAPHRADITUS LAWSON, 2,000 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the S. side, beg. on the lowermost point of a great Island, running S. S. W. crossing Lawson’s Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 236. Trans, of 40 pers: Edward Stone, Tho. Mason, Theo. Thompsom, Jno. Johnson, Jno. Bowland, Tho. Thomas, Angues Soil, Wm. Gunnell, Ri. King, John Lewis, Edy Bradford, Ri. Bennett, Gab. Roberts, Eliza. Barnard, John Seemer, Symon Parrett, Charles Sybley, Wm. Dunbar, John Pinne (?), Kath. Hewitt, Edm. Sheerman, John Congdon, James Richards, John Robinson, Marg. Davis, Mary Tocwrick, Tho. Rawley, Danll. Dickey, Rice Welch, Eliza. Ditch, Mary Chapleman, Edward Payne, Sarah Jones, Jno. Buckmanreyne, Mary Dewse, Wm. Bell, Alice Ryppin, Roger Hayes, Thomas Bates, Gabriell Golding (6).
1650 – Jane Goulding transported by Richard Tye & Charles Sparrowe, Charles City, Virginia (8).
1651 – John Golding arrives in Virginia.
>>>> Goldings and Ripleys 1651 – John Golding // Land Patent for RICHARD RIPLEY, 400 acs., 29 Jan. 1651, p. 357. Beg. at the head of a branch in Winter Harbor neare New Point Comfort & running to the bay side. Trans, of 8 pers: Mr. John Walker, twice, Josias Lackly, Katherine, Danll. Tacker, John Singleton, Elizabeth Elderwell, John Golding, “These by assignmt. from Mr. Jno. Walker.” (6) >>>>> However please see John Golding 1665/66.
1652 – John Golding // Land Patent for MRS. JANE HARMER, 2,000 acs. Northumberland Co., date blank, 1652, p. 184. Nly upon Potomeck Riv. alias Potomeck Cr., Ely. upon a branch of same dividing this & land of John Rookwood, Gent., commonly called the Fort land &c. Trans, of 40 pers: Charles Gregory, Elizab. Dobson, Sackfield Brew, John James, John Smith, Wm. Christian, Richard Ford, Roger Hobson, George James, Elizab. Richards, Lane. Sewell, Wm. Jackson, John Oxford, Mary Winchly, Wm. Abbeys, James Cunny, Fra. Hewett, Tho. Sharpe, Wm. Jones, Mich. Sawyer, James Cole, James Tute, (or Tate), Richd. Lowen, Wm. Farley, Wm. Hopkins, Arth. Collins, John Towmes, John Nurton, Mich. Batt, Hump. Adrey, John Goldings, Patr. Tallin, David Davis, John Vaughan, Henry Daniell, Edmd. Clowman, Wm. Williams, John Metcalfe (6).
1652 – George Golden arrived/settled in Virginia (10) imported by Thomas Holliwell (12).
1654 Dec 29 – Edward Goulding and John Alexander witnessed the sale of land from John Dynely to Andrew Munroe (Monroe), which appears to have been bought from John Walton on 12 Jan 1654. … This land is probably in reference to that owned by John Walton (and John Bagnall), born bef.1629 and died aft.1656 at Westmoreland County, Virginia. This land was some 1600+ acres on the northside of the Potomac River, beginning at its mouth. [14]Virginia, Colonial Abstracts, 1632-1810, Westmoreland County, 1653-1657, pg 658, … Continue reading
1657 – Rebecka Goldinge // Land Patent for SAMUELL MATHEWES, Govr., 5,211 acs., abutting E. on Potomeck Riv., S. on Chapawansick Cr. & N. on Quantecot Riv. or Cr. (Granted by the Council) 23 Nov. 1657, p. 106, (158). Trans, of 105 pers: Henry Peckett, Henry Lawrence, Edmond Potter, John Mather, Arthur Coventon, Lewis Beckwith, Richard Hand, Rich. Tiller, James Harris, Tho. Harris, Marmaduke Ladd, Jerem. Burditt, Wm. Richardson, Jane Bell, Rebecka Goldinge, Mary Killingell, Eliza. Bowyer, Mary Ramsey, Jone Welson, Andrew Keateley, Ambrose Parkes, James Wyner, James Hunt, Olliver Jewitt, Nich. Lawrence, Edward Arney, Samuell Jeffers, Richard Lacy, Anth. Barrwell, Robert Moores, Hugh Jones, Robert Whitelige, Bartho. Crosse, Peter Heath, John Smallwood, John Hancock, Martha Fryer, Fran. Rolls, Katherine Hart, Paul Cartwright, Benjamin Chandler, Robert Biggs, Lawrence Ashpoole, John Cornelius, Mary Cornelius, Adolph Johnson, Sarah Greene, Mary Lessford, Jone Heors, Ann Benbowe, Robert Masclaken, Fran. Gurman, Adrian Adrianson, Tho. Tawtan, Morris Victsorrell, John Corneliouson, John Slaitor, John Turner, John Gibbins, Robert Higginson, Rich. Kent, Timothy Gunter, Daniell Ingoll, Richard Walton, Joane Palmer (6).
1657 – Johnathan Golding // Land Patent for LT. COL. THO. GOODRICH, 600 acs. S. side of Rappa. Riv., neere miles end of a patent of 1350 acs. taken up by Bartho. Hoskins, beg. on the side of Hoskins Cr., parallel to land of John Gillet &c. 18 Sept. 1663, p. 327, (322). 500 acs. by patent 1 Aug. 1652 to Clement Thrush & 100 acs. by patent 10 June 1657, for trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Golding, Tho. Reeves.
1663/4 Mar – Johnathan Golding // Land Patent for JOHN CANNIDA, 200 acs. on S. side of Totoskey Creek, (the old) Rappannock County, 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. 121, (624). Adj. land of James Samford, opposite the new plantation of George Haselocke &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Golding, Ed. Reeves, Ann Blandon, Wm. Griffin (6).
1663/4 Jun- Johnathan Golding // Johnathan appears to have been reassigned as to who got credit for his importation, although he remained within the old Rappahanock County, Virginia.
MR. WM. PEIRCE, (Perce), 4054 acs. Rappa. Co., Farnham Parish, 1 June 1663, p. 154, (29). On N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on E.most side of Rappa. main Cr., near the tripell dividing thereof, extending &c. over a branch called Herring Cr. &c. to neere the head of George Bryers Cr. &c. The following names appear under this record: Mary Blunt, Mary Usher, Ann Jones, Fra. Preist, Wm. Rosse, Henry Martyn, Tho. Just, Philip Flower, Wm. Royden, Rachel Williams, Margaret Williams, Bridget Batcheller, August Withey, Wm. Lewis, Jno. Jones, Eliz. Wood, Lidia Flow, Wm. Badger, Jno. Gaffer, Daniell Merricke, Jno. Jones, Edward Seare, Marg. Williams, Richard Webb, Abell Jason, Wm. Richardson, Anne Robinson, Susanna Alcocke, SamlI. Hookes, Fra. Glover, Dorothy Glover, Richard Bullocke, Jno. Mann, Edward Evans, Robt. Evans, Jno. Goulding, Edward Reeves, Ann Blandon, Ann Mason, Mary Miller, Mary Dunston, Wm. Peirce, Sarah Peirce, Jno. Ellison, Geo. Walker, Ann Leviton, Fra. Neson, Wm. Gilbert, Nich. Shirt, Jno. Normingto, Rich, Founding, Mary Gore, Edm. Eacerman, Grace Hill, Geo. Cladwin, Joane East, Garrest Clesty, Jno. Wilcox, Tho. Wilcox, Jno. Tanner, Robt. Morris, Jno. Barlow, Jno. Middleton, Gen. Smith, Tho. Rogers, Susan Edwards, Garrett Bryan, Wm. Martin, Eliz. Wiggmore, Anth. Greenmay, & 12 persons. The residue by Certificate dated 23d June 1661 from Tho. Brereton. Marginal Note: This survey being re-surveyed and found to be but 3000 acres, the over plus of rights being past into Mr. Loyds pan.
1664 – Mathew Golden – Land Patent of Feb 21, 1664 for James Clayton (Cleyton) and James Johnson on 668 acres in Northumberland County. Fourteen persons were transported and among them was Mathew Golden (6 / page 449).
1664 – Nicholas Golden arrived/settled in Maryland (10).
1665/66- John Golding arrives in Virginia and receives a land patent (2). Some have thought that this is the John Golding that married Elizabeth Ripley. >>>>> Please see John Golding 1651. John Golding and Elizabeth Ripley married in 1658 at Gloucester, so Ripley’s Golding was already here.
1665 Nov 9 – Tobias Goulding – Land Patent of Nov 9, 1665, Mr. Wm. Crump, Mr. Charles Edmonds and Mr. Robt. Whitehaire on a patent of 2700 acres in New Kent County transported 54 persons. Among them was Tobias Goulding. (6 / page 538) More Info
1665 – Gabriel Golden arrived/settled in Maryland (10).
1666 Aug – Charles, Luke and William Geldinge listed in List of Titables in Northampton County Virginia, August 1666. [15]List of Titables in Northampton County, Virginia, August 1666, from the records in the Clerk’s Office, Communicated by T. B. Robertson, Eastville, Virginia … … Continue reading
1672 January 31 Mary Goulding apprenticed in Bristol (UK) to William Hooper for 4 years. Traveled via the Nevis Merchant. (BR) (9)
1672 March 22 John Goulding traveled via the Nightingale bound for New England. // WDG Note: It would appear that he is a passenger. (9)
1672 Dec — Power of Joan Gould, of Bristol, widow and admx. of Thomas Gould, to William Bressie of Va., 2 Dec. 1672. // There is no record of Goulds arriving in Maryland or Virginia. May have come from Massachusetts where Goulds settled in 1630s. [16]Virginia Land Records, Isle of Wight County Deeds and Other Records, pg 171, Excerpted and reprinted from The Virginia Magazine of History and Beiography, the William and Mary College Quarterly … Continue reading
1673 — Ralph Goldman arrives in Virginia, place and date note recorded. [17]Date and place where land was patented and record was created listing those transported/imported. Only the names of those to be transported were indexed. Abstracted from Patent books 6 through 8, … Continue reading
1677 November 3 Phyllis Goulding apprenticed to George Cary for 4 years in Virginia. Travel by Francis and Mary. (BR) (9)
1675 July 29 John Goldin — Newgate prisoners reprieved to be transported to Barbados. From London was John Goldin. // WDG/Note: Newgate Prison was a prison in London, at the corner of Newgate Street and Old Bailey just inside the City of London. It was originally located at the site of Newgate, a gate in the Roman London Wall. The gate/prison was rebuilt in the 12th century, and demolished in 1777. The prison was extended and rebuilt many times, and remained in use for over 700 years, from 1188 to 1902. (9)
1678 March 20 – Persivall Golding left on the ship White Fox to go from Barbados to London. John Lee was Captain of the ship (11, p.371).
1679 July 19 Thomas Golding of Northampton, Northamptonshire listed, among others, as ‘Midland Circuit prisoners reprieved to be be transported to America. (9)
1679 July 21 to August 29 – Thomas Goulding – Shippers by the Friendship of Bristol bound from Bristol for Virginia. Co-travelers: Richard Townsend, John Lord, Jeremy Pearce, and Edward Mitchell. (PRO:E190/1148/1) (9)
1679 May 6 – Persivall Golding left on the ship Concord to go to London. James Strutt was Captain of the ship (11, p.371).
1682 Aug 12 – George Golding, Esq., appointed Provost Marshal General of Jamaica, during pleasure (10 Will. III. p.7). [18]Book, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, pg 168 … NOTE: The specific year is not given for these many entries. It would appear that while the … Continue reading
1683 May 14-19 Humphrey Golding of Huntingdonshire, tailor aged 22 … to travel via the Nicolas apprenticed to William Haveland for 4 years; was apprenticed to the same man along with 7 others. (9)
1684 August 25th William Golden of London was apprenticed to Jonathan Stone for 7 years of service in Virginia or Maryland by the Resolution Society … and left England on the ‘Bristol Merchant‘. [19]IRELAND, GORDON. “Servants to Foreign Plantations from Bristol, England, 1654-1686.” In The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 79:2 (Apr. 1948), pp. 65-75. … An … Continue reading // WDG Note: I tried to find out what the Resolution Society was but found not a clue. (9)
1685 June 12th Daniel Golding, aged 18, tailor, whose mother is dead and father is in Jamaica is apprenticed to Thomas Sawell, mariner, 4 years Jamaica, witnessed by Isaac Johnson of Moorfields, London (LMWB14/277). (9)
1688 – Captain Francis Page and Charles McKartie came to York County, Virginia and received a land patent for importing 45 people. Among them was one Nathaniel Goldin. Source: York River Genealogies, 1687-1691, page 139.
1690 April 21st – Nathaniel Goldin is noted as living at Moncuseneck, Charles City, Virginia (York County) on 1684 acres patented to Mr. James Cock, John Butler, and William Low. The land appears to have changed hands from 1688’s patent as the list of imported people contains many of the same names on both lists. In addition to Nathaniel there is Mary Reade, Mary Louman, Phill Turner, several Cockins (Cockens) and others from 1688.
1691 – William Golden, b ??-d 1715, an Irish Jacobite Roman Catholic, flees Ireland from the Protestant army of William and Mary, and settles in the Cape May, New Jersey area. Like many GFolks, there was no standard spelling of the family name, so some of William Golden’s descendants are named Golding, many actually. The name change appears to have happen around the time of the Revolutionary War. This family went on to thrive in the Cape May, New Jersey area and Delaware through the early 1900s. Have not traced all the lines yet so they may yet be still thriving. William Golden’s grandson John William Golding (1733-1802) would go on to fight in the Revolutionary War. His service is documented with Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) as a ‘Militia Man and Armed Seaman’ in the New Jersey Navy.
1692 – Richard Golden (Goldon) — Essex County, Virginia — William Clapham receives a certificate for 1900 acres of land and imports Richard Goldon (Golden) along with 37 other persons. Source: Essex County Orders, 1692-1693, pg 30.
1692-1700 – John Goulding — Warwick County, Virginia — A Warrant of Attorney from Mr. Job Wilks to Henry Gibbs was this day proved in Court by the Oaths of James Hill and John Goulding two of the Wittnesses thereto, and at the request of the Sd Gibbs it’s ordered to be recorded. (Source: Box 1, Folder 5: 1692-1700, Warwick County, Virginia // Swem Library, College of William and Mary)
Immigrant Arrivals After 1699
Sources and Notes
(1) Bishop’s transcripts, 1562-1855, Author: Church of England. Parish Church of Dunston (Lincolnshire). Available form Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1966. Repository: Microfilm of original records in the Lincolnshire Archives Office, Lincoln. Church Record Text: John’s baptism is recorded in this church. His parents are recorded as John Golding and Joyce.
Note: There are some genealogy records that show John’s father as a William Golding, born about 1598 in England, however there was no source or record shown. Also, there were many William Goldings listed in England which had no John’s listed as sons. Death dates for John have been shown as 1684 and 1734, both in Gloucester Co., VA. The 1684 date has been chosen here as the most likely as his son, John Jr’s death date is also been shown in nearly all records as 1734. The 1684 date would have John as 49 at his death whereas the 1734 date would have his age as 99. Even though John Golding and Joyce are listed as the parents of John Golding (1635-1684) there are no other sources or proof that I have found.
Note by Bill Golden (2013) One John Golding was born in 1635 at Dunston to John Golding and to Joyce Thompson. The other John Golding was born in 1640 at Dunston to the mysterious William Leftridge Golding and to Dollie Illene (Turner). The GoldenDNA project lists John of 1640 as marrying Elizabeth Ripley. Another branch of the Golding family (Gauldin) lays claim to John of 1635 vice 1640 and also has him paired with Elizabeth Ripley. My bottom line is … did I mention that Dunston is a very tiny village and to have two favorite sons immigrate to the same tiny village in Virginia and to marry the same exact woman indicates that they are probably the same John Golding. I am also inclined to believe that John of 1635 is correct; there is no documentation to show that a John of 1640 was born at Dunston and/or that a John was born at Dunston anywhere near this time period with a father named William.
(2) Source Citation: Place: Virginia; Year: 1665-1666; Page Number: 25; Gale Research. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010. // Original data: Filby, P. William, ed. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2010.
(3) VIRGINIA IMMIGRANTS AND ADVENTURERS, 1607-16351: A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY records four Gouldings who came to Jamestown in Virginia as servants between 1607 and 1623.
(4) George Golding – Jamestown – and notes on other early Jamestown Golding/Gouldings of possible relation; Various notes with footnotes compiled and researched by Catherine Gauldin.
(5) Golding Surname Database:
(6) Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1800, by Nell Marion Nugent.
(7) Per one modern English Golding, Andrew Golding (2011), the claim is made that the 1637 William Golding is William Leftridge Golding (7). I have written and asked for more information. None received so far.
(8) Complete listing of Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 (from book published 1912 by George Cabell Greer, now copyright-free)
(9) Source: The Complete Book of Emigrants 1661-1699 by Peter Wilson Coldham., Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.
(10) House of Names, Golden. No sources given for listings.
(11) The Original Lists of Persons of Quality; Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold For A Term of Years; Apprentices; — Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, London, 1874. These lists were compiled from documents in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty’s Public Record Office, England.

↑1 | |
↑2 | |
↑3 | |
↑4 | Book, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, pg 152. |
↑5 | Book: The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, pg 70. |
↑6 | Great Migration, Vol 3, G-H … available online at Original data:Anderson, Robert Charles. The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633, Volumes 1-3; The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volumes 1-6. Boston: New England Historical and Genealogical Society, 1996-2011. |
↑7 | Source Bibliography NUGENT, NELL MARION. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666. Vol. 1. Richmond [VA]: Dietz Printing Co., 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1983. … Record of 20,000 very early immigrants, with much relevant information. Taken from Patent Books 1 through 5. Title page states, “In 5 volumes,” but up to 1979 only three had appeared. See nos. 6221 and 6223 for second and third volumes, published in 1977 |
↑8 | See Miles Files, search for Gelding, a service of the Eastern Shore Public Library, |
↑9 | There was a Francis Gouldman baptised 14 Sep 1606 at St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, Norfolk, England, born to Elizabeth Aldrich (Aldriche, Allred), age 22, and Richard aka Nicholas Goodwin / Gouldman, age 24. |
↑10 | Virginia Land Records [database on-line Ancestry] … Excerpted and reprinted from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine and Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine with notes by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1982. |
↑11 | List of Titables in Northampton County, Virginia, August 1666, from the records in the Clerk’s Office, Communicated by T. B. Robertson, Eastville, Virginia … |
↑12 | There is however constant mention of the leading role that William Clayborn (Clairborne) and Gentleman John Haws (Hawes?) had in the community. It is unknown whether these are the Clairborne and Hawes families would later connect with the marriage of Francis Gouldman and Winifred Claiborne. … “Northampton County Records in 17th Century”, an article from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 4. Available online: |
↑13 | Westmoreland Deeds, Wills, Patents, etc. 1653-1659. |
↑14 | Virginia, Colonial Abstracts, 1632-1810, Westmoreland County, 1653-1657, pg 658, |
↑15 | List of Titables in Northampton County, Virginia, August 1666, from the records in the Clerk’s Office, Communicated by T. B. Robertson, Eastville, Virginia … |
↑16 | Virginia Land Records, Isle of Wight County Deeds and Other Records, pg 171, Excerpted and reprinted from The Virginia Magazine of History and Beiography, the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine and Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine with notes by Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1982. |
↑17 | Date and place where land was patented and record was created listing those transported/imported. Only the names of those to be transported were indexed. Abstracted from Patent books 6 through 8, from the Land Office records located at the Virginia State … Source Bibliography: NUGENT, NELL MARION. Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants. Vol. 2: 1666-1695. Indexed by Claudia B. Grundman. Richmond, VA: Virginia State Library, 1977. 609p. |
↑18 | Book, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality, 1600-1700, edited by John Camden Hotten, pg 168 … NOTE: The specific year is not given for these many entries. It would appear that while the month and the day is given in the document, the year corresponds to the ‘how many years since X has reigned’. In this entry William the 3rd (Will.III) began his reign in 1672, so 10 years of William III = 1682. |
↑19 | IRELAND, GORDON. “Servants to Foreign Plantations from Bristol, England, 1654-1686.” In The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 79:2 (Apr. 1948), pp. 65-75. … An extract from no. 943, Bristol and America, listing 155 servants bound for Maryland, three for New York, 17 for Pennsylvania, and two for Virginia. Gives tables of bondmasters, ships, and ship masters, and names of places from which the emigrants came. |