Gouldman Keeling Timeline

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Timeline focus will be on Gouldman and Keeling family members before 1800 that originated in Virginia. Got info? Bill Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com — Why are Gouldmans and Keelings on the same timeline? I believe that there is a good chance Gouldmans ARE Keelings … but I have an alternative theory if that doesn’t prove to be true.

Am in search of Gouldman and Keeling contactswould like to discuss some things.


Thomas Gouldman‘s parents are … ? Some genealogies show his parents as William Gouldman 1598–1693 and Elizabeth Catlett, 1600–?

These would be appropriate parents, and the Catlett name was very important in Virginia history (see Col John Catlett), and very closely associated with where the Gouldmans lived in the 1660s. However, there is no sourcing provided that shows they had a son named Thomas, although they do appear to have a daughter named Elizabeth Gouldman, born about 1621.

>>> Right names but wrong place and dates:

There is the claim that Elizabeth married Thomas Waring b1621, and she supposedly passed away in 1698. This may be so but there is no source documentation. Note: Per church records, the English Elizabeth Gouldman and Thomas Waring married about 1676 and had a daughter named Elizabeth born 14 Oct 1782, Baptism Place St Sepulchre, Holborn City of London, London, England.

Virginia’s Elizabeth Gouldman and Thomas Waring had a daughter born in Virginia in 1645.

This appears to be a coincidence of names and appoximate dates … but deserves following.


Thomas Keeling (1608-1664) arrives at Jamestown, Virginia, soon (1635) settles at Lynnhaven Parish, which is now Lynnhaven, Princess Anne, Virginia Beach.

Thomas Keeling came to Virginia in 1628 aboard the ship Hopewell at the expense of Adam Thorogood (Thoroughgood, Thorowgood), who used his headright when patenting land on June 24, 1635. S: Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary, by Martha W. McCartney, pg 437.

PARENTAGE: Some family histories claim that the parents of Thomas Keeling (b1608 UK) were Sir John Keeling, 1577–1642, and Alice Waterhouse, 1586–1650. These Keelings went by their surname spelt Kelyng, and are known to have had only one son: John Kelynge KS (or Kelyng) (1607–1671), an English judge and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1661 to 1663. He became Chief Justice of the King’s Bench.

While possibly somehow related, these Kelyngs are not known to have any specific family member or descendant that immigrated to America.

Learn more about these Kelyngs at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kelynge

1635 Nov 18

Elizabeth City Land Grant Book, Entry Nr.313 Thomas Keeling 1635 100 (acres) Source

One corner of Thomas Keeling’s land was adjacent to planter William Morgan alias Brooks (Brookes, Broockes) alias Jones who arrived in Virginia in 1610 on the ship Starr. S: Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary, by Martha W. McCartney.


Gouldman family and family appears in Virginia records for first time in a land transaction at Essex County, Virginia. No prior record of immigration, settlement or arrival. It is my belief that Thomas Gouldman was a branch of the Keeling family most closely related to George Keeling (c1650-1720).

? Could it be that Thomas Gouldman is/descends from Thomas Golding who settled in 1650 in the area of Farnham Creek, Old Rappahannock County, Virginia?

1666 Oct 26Thomas Gouldman receives 1134 acres on Ralph’s Creek, Old Rappahannock County for transportation of 27 persons. Source “Winston of Virginia“, by  Torrence, Clayton, (1927), Richmond: Whittet & Shepperson HathiTrust.org (pages 169-77)
1667 Apr 4Thomas Gouldman (Goldman) land grant for 1200 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock River, “some five miles in the woods, adjoining Lodskins Creek, for the transportation of 24 persons”. Source
1674 May 27Ralph Warriner writes his LWT and notes that Thomas Gouldman is his guardian and will be executor of his estate, and provides for his sister ; witnesses Robert Parker, William Dyer. Source
1674 Sep 23

From land transaction notes of 1715 Mar 20,  Thomas Gouldman 23 Sep 1674 received land that lay in both Essex and King and Queen County VA. Size of the original land tract appears to have been 2200 acres, now in possession of Mrs. Mary Meriwether, widow, except for 500 acres.

This land was received for the transport of 44 people to Virginia.

In 1715, Francis Gouldman of Essex Co., VA gives 500 acres of land to his niece Elizabeth Gouldman Waring and notes that she is the only heir of his brother Thomas Gouldman deceased., and notes that this land originally was granted to his father Thomas Gouldman on 23 Sep 1674.

Source Essex County wills and deeds, 1714-1717, Virginia colonial abstracts, pg 56.

1675 Jan 4George Nangle LWT, City of Dublin, Ireland, merchant. 4 Jan., 1675—4 July, 1677. William Smith and Robert Akins, merchants of the City of Dublin; Gerrard Nangle, my brother, and Judith Nangle, my niece, in Dublin, to have all estate in Dublin and Virginia; Mary Evans; Thomas Gouldman; Col. William Travers; Col. Thomas Goodrich and Thomas Gouldman to be executors; witnesses George Morris, Jacob Lumken. Source
1676Creighton, Henry. 20 Jan., 1676 — 6 Sept., 1677. Sons Henry, William and Thomas ; wife Jane ; Charles, John and Elizabeth Bridgar ; executors friends Thomas Gouldman and Robert Thomlin (Tomlin); witnesses Patrick Norton, John Hubbard. Source
1678 Mar 17Bowler, Thomas, Esq. 17 March, 1678-9 — 28 July, 1679. Son James; daughter Elizabeth Bowler; daughter Anne; wife Tabitha executrix; friends Col. Nicholas Spencer and Capt. Thomas Gouldman overseers; witnesses Robert Barrett; Nicholas Franklin. Source
1684 DecAt some time before December 1684 Captain Thomas Gouldman passed away leaving a widow Alice Awbrey. His last will and testament (LWT) has been lost … within the LWT he designated Edward Keeling as the executor.
1684 Dec 3-4

Edward Keeling is foreman of a jury … At a Court Held for Rappahannock County . . . . .

Present:Lt. Col. Wm. Loyd; Cap. Saml. Blomfield; Mr. Henry Awbrey; Mr. Saml. Peachey

. . . In the difference depending between Mr. John Taliaferro, plaintiff, and Wm. Smith, defendant, concerning hogs supposedly stolen from the plaintiff by the said Smith and others, a jury was impannelled and sworn whose names are: Mr. Edward Keeling, Foreman; Joseph Goodrich; Mr. Richard Hart; Mr. Thos. Greene; Mr. Daniel Dobins; Mr. John Hale; Mr. Henry Long; Mr. Ralph Whitton; Mr. Humphrey Perkins; Mr. Wm. Ackers; Mr. Andrew Doding; and Mr. Edward George. Do bring in this verdict (Jurors find not guilty), Edward Keeling, Foreman.Which verdict this Court have confirmed and ordered that the plaintiff pay all costs of suit. Source

1687 Apr 6
Leengwood in ye Isle of Wight is ‘Longwood’, Smithfield, Isle of Wight, not in England as noted in one source, re marriage of Lidia Keeling … It has been suggested on an unsourced genealogy that she married to David Goodall.
In the name of God, Amen, I, Edward Keeling of the County of Rappa[hannock]. in Virga Gent. Being Sicke and weake and In a low condition But of Sound and perfect Sence & Memory, Blessed Be God…..
Item I give to my Sister LIDIA GOODALL of Churchells near Leengwood in ye Isle of Wight one thousand pounds Toba. of my own Crop that Shall be made this year or five pounds Sterl. to be Sent to Mr. Tho. Cresser at ye Brasen Serpent in ye old Bayley, London Apothecary Also to ye said Mr.Tho: Cresser five hundred pounds Toba, or fifty shill. Sterl….WILLS OF RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1656-1692, p. 133, by William M. Sweeney, from Clara Lewis) Source
1686 Jan 2

Edward Keeling, Henry Keeys and Caleb Lyon witness to LWT of Robert Parker of the Parish of Sittenbourne, Rappahanock County, Virginia.

Source – Wills of Rappahannock County, Virginia 1656-1692 – William Montgomery Sweeny. Edward Keeling may have been dead by this time. There is a note that the will proven by the oath of Sarah Lyon as ‘all the witnesses are dead’ … but not sure if original witnesses or the witnesses listed.

1687 Jun 1

Edward Keeling died on or prior to June 1st, 1687. His Last Will and Testament (LWT) was proven in Rappahannock County on that date. His LWT was prepared in April 1687.

On that same day, a court order directs his widow Mary Warriner Keeling to turn over all papers associated with Captain Thomas Gouldman (d1684) to his Gouldman’s widow Alice Awbrey Gouldman and to her new husband Arthur Forbes.

Source: Wills of Rappahannock County, Virginia 1656-1692 – William Montgomery Sweeny

Source: (Old) Rappahanock County Orders, 1685-1687, pg 81.

1693 Mar 25

Samuel Thacker m. bef. 25 March, 1693, Mary (____) Keeling, widow of Edward. Proven by Court Record of that date, Essex Co.

Marriages of Virginia Residents Vol II, Part IV, Surnames T-U, Page 43, re Mary Warriner married to Edward Keeling. In the Essex County, Virginia, Marriage Index, 1655-1900, she is noted as “WARRINER, MARY Daughter of Ralph, married Samuel Thacker”.

1699Francis Gouldman (Goldman) listed as an Essex County Officer. Many familiar names listed. Source
1702 Jul 8

A LIST of the quantity of LAND, Number of Tithables, and Civill Officers In the Dominion of Virginia this 8th Day of July 1702: George Keeling appointed a Justice of the Peace, New Kent County. Numerous others named.

In Essex County, Francis Gouldman made a Justice of the Peace, along with many familiar names.


1703 Jun 17Edward Gouldman (Goldman) represented Essex County, among others named, to Her Majesty’s Colony and Dominion of Virginia Order of Council
1704George Keeling listed on the rent roll for 1500 acres, St Peters Parrish, New Kent County, VA. Princess Anne County: Jno Keeling listed for 2000 acres, Adam Keeling for 500, and Thomas Keeling for 700. Source
1704Wm Goulding listed on the rent roll for 200 acres, Essex County, VA, Francis Gouldman 300 acres, John Goulding 200 acres, Edward Goulding 380 acres. Source
1708 Apr 28George Keeling appointed Sheriff of New Kent County. Source
1709 Apr 26George Keeling appointed Sheriff of New Kent County. Source
 Hanover County was formed from New Kent County in late 1719. George Keeling appears in a number of compendiums of info from the era which refers to both counties. Please keep in mind that these are the same place, depending upon whether we are discussing before or after 1720.
1709 Oct 3Capt Keeling (assumed to be George Keeling) has ’50 C’ brought forward in the 3 Oct 1709 Parish Meeting minutes per The vestry book of St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia, 1706-1786, pgs 35-36. ’50 C’ is assumed to be tobacco and may represent an overpayment due to the parrish. Many others are named with their accounts either “carried forward” or “brought forward”.

Francis Gouldman dies, leaving a widow and three children.

William Winston II – Married 2nd . Mrs. Martha Gouldman (nee Tomlin)  of Essex – m after Jan 1710 but before June 1714 – when William Winston & Martha his wife are appointed administrators of estate in Essex Co. Then Essex Co – Nov. Ct. 1722 – William Winston presented the Will of Martha Winston. Francis Gouldman [her son] heir at law be summoned to next court to make objections, if any. [Martha had children by her first husband Edward Gouldman (named in the will of their Uncle Francis Gouldman) but none by William Winston. His son William “Essex” Winston received the nickname Essex as he was raised in Essex Co., Va. during the years his father was married to Martha.] William Winston had returned to Hanover Co before this deed in Essex Co – 19 May 1725 Francis Gouldman of St. Ann’s Parish of Essex Co conveyed to William Winston of St. Paul’s Parish, “Hanover Co” for L12, 300 acres in Essex Co known as Mehockney, which is in the peaceful possession of sd William Winston by his intermarrying with Martha Gouldman, mother of sd Francis Gouldman who in her lifetime was possessed of the said land.

1712 Oct 22Francis Gouldman and Francis Meriwether represent Essex County at House of Burgesses. Source
1714 Francis Gouldman and Jno. Hawkins represent Essex County at House of Burgesses. Source
1714 Jun 16Richard Covington, James Boughan, Thomas Gouldman (Goldman) and Edward Gouldman (Goldman) granted 553 acres. Appears that they all were partners in same parcel of land. Source
1715 Mar 20

Francis Gouldman of Essex Co., VA gives 500 acres of land to his niece Elizabeth Gouldman Waring and notes that she is the only heir of his brother Thomas Gouldman deceased. Also notes that this parcel of land had been granted to his father Thomas Gouldman 23 Sep 1674.  

Witnessed by Salvator Muscoe, R Hickmand and Daniel Hayes.

1719 Feb 24George Keeling listed as a ‘Freeholder’ in the The vestry book of St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia, 1706-1786, pg 256.
1725-1730Adam Keeling (d Jun 1771 NC) married Ann Thoroughgood, daughter of Col John and Margaret Thoroughgood. Source
1727 Feb 4
In the suit brought by Francis Gouldman (Goldman) against John Eidy, the defendant being called and not appearing. Judgement is granted the Plaintiff against the said Defendant and John Champe and John Diskins his securities for what of the sum sued for in the Declaration shall appear to be justly due unless the Defendant appear at the next Court and answer the said ‘acon’. S: King George County Legal Orders, 1725-1728
1727 Mar 3
The suit brought by Francis Gouldman (Goldman) against John Eidy is continued. S: King George County Legal Orders, 1725-1728
1727 Apr 8
In the suit brought by Francis Gouldman (Goldman) against John Eidy, the Defendant being called and not appearing the last Courts Order is confirmed and a Writ of Enquiry for damages awarded the Plaintiff to the next Court. S: King George County Legal Orders, 1725-1728
1727 Aug 4
Francis Gouldman (Goldman) lawsuit against John Eidy is dismissed. S: King George County Legal Orders, 1725-1728
1734 May 3Hanover County, VA will book: Burridge, John LWT. No date — 3 May, 1734. To Lancelot Cookson a legacy, and he to be executor; to my godson John Keeling; witnesses William Ogletree, Johannah Knight. Source
1756Ann Keeling married her cousin William Keeling, who was a Burgess from 1756-1758. Ann died at some time after 1768.  Source
1756 Mar 25William Keeling  and Thomas Walke represent Princess Anne County at House of Burgesses. Source
1757 Apr 30William Keeling and Thomas Walke represent Princess Anne County at House of Burgesses. Source
1758 Mar 30William Keeling and Thomas Walke represent Princess Anne County at House of Burgesses. Source

You are welcome to add to or to correct this story by contacting: Bill Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com

BTW – I look forward to sharing your stories, photos and in-search-of quests. Contact me at the email address above.