Golding / Golden / Goulding et al Family History on Facebook
Eliza Melone Golden

Birth 14 Jun 1849 in South Carolina
Death 25 Nov 1932 in Precinct 1, Coleman, Texas
Nathaniel Greene Golden (1812 – 1882) and Arzela Moore (1825 – 1886)
Isaac F Nicholson, 1852 – 1941
- Martha Azalie Nicholson, b1873 –
- John A Nicholson, b1875 –
- Joseph D Nicholson, b1876 –
- Leah E Nicholson, b1878 –
- Mary Cordelia Nicholson, b1879 – 1965
- Gaily D Nicholson, b1883 – 1957
- Miles Green Nicholson, b1885 – 1967
- James J. Nicholson, b1887 –
- Thomas Richard Nicholson, b1888 – 1975
- Janetta A Nicholson, b1891 – 1960
March 7th, 1907 Letter to the War Department
Eliza’s brother Marcus had been killed in action during the Civil War as Union soldier fighting for a Tennessee cavalry unit. Two sisters were now living as invalids. Eliza had previously written to President Hayes seeking a pension for them based upon Marcus’ military service. It appears that he indicated that he would look into it.
Below is page one of Eliza’s letter to follow up and to seek a pension to assist her two sisters.

Letter provided courtesy of Carole Golden Alessi.
You are welcome to add to or to correct this story by contacting: Bill Golden,
BTW – I look forward to sharing your stories, photos and in-search-of quests. Contact me at the email address above.