My Family History – some loose ends

For many years I was a family history buff. I would haunt grave yards, lived for libraries and spent hours upon hours in strange places looking for information on my family.

Back around 2000 I hit a wall with trying to find ‘Green Golden’. There are so many Goldens that if I could not identify who Green Golden was then why continue collecting information — I have collected beaucoup information from the 1980s and the 1990s that I still have yet to process; it is now 2013.

Recently I saw a commercial for and thought that I would give it a try. Shazaam! I found my Green Golden (Nathaniel Green Golden) within 72 hours of signing up for the online service. There was also much more that I learned. If you are into family history research then is both inexpensive and helpful.

Somewhere along the way however I misplaced my data that I used in my Family Tree Maker (FTM) software. While I may find it again someday (it was last seen circa 2000), the good news is that some of my FTM data is still online.