Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Application Preparation Guide

You can download your copy of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Application Preparation Guide at this link: DOWNLOAD or VIEW.

From the SAR guidelines:

The SAR requires adequate proof of the bloodline from the applicant to the Revolutionary ancestor and the Revolutionary service of that ancestor. All names, dates and places on the application must be proven, which is important in speeding the review process. The applicant is not required to provide every name, date, and place on the application, but SAR recommends and encourages that applications contain all pertinent bloodline and non-bloodline data in the lineage section of the application. Information that may seem unnecessary for proving the bloodline to the patriot or the service of the patriot, but later may prevent doubts from being raised, especially avoiding possible confusion if an ancestor had the same or similar name as another person. It may be of use to future applicants who share a common lineage wishing to build from what is already known about an ancestor. Note: Some application forms contain the statement, “Proof is needed only for the individuals in the bloodline.” This statement does not relieve the applicant from providing proof for all the facts presented in the lineage, bloodline, and non-bloodline.