Golding / Golden / Goulding et al Family History on Facebook
Did Nathaniel Green Golden (NGG), or family, ever get sick?
A very common tale about NGG is that he was a mountain herbal doctor. Sometimes you need the help of other doctors.
The photo below is of Dr Granville Davis, Graham County, NC. His office was in Robbinsville, just 5 miles from Cheoah Township where NGG and family lived from 1877-1882.

NGG died in 1882 or shortly thereafter. His second family with Jane Sosebee Golden continued to live in Graham County for many years after. His daughter Crela Golden married Luther C. Sawyers in 1899 while still living in the county.
Dr Davis was pretty much the only school trained doctor in the county at the time, and practiced medicine in Graham County from 1858-1912.
Family History Research: It helps to know who else existed and may have interacted within the community.
?? Do any records remain of Dr Davis’ patients?
Population in the entirety of Graham County in 1880 was just 2,335. If you existed in the county in 1880 then someone must know you.
Even today, the population of Graham County, NC is only 8,861 (2010) due to much of the county being Cherokee Reservation land and national forest.
About Dr Granville Davis — there have been so few doctors in the county that there is a very short history listing them all from 1796-1950s.
You are welcome to add to or to correct this story by contacting: Bill Golden,
BTW – I look forward to sharing your stories, photos and in-search-of quests. Contact me at the email address above.