How many William Golding/Golden/Gouldings and Gauldens are there … in 2013?

Golding/Golden/Goulding Family History on Facebook

Many of today’s Goldens, Gouldings and Gauldens that originated in southeastern England started out as Goldings.

This area (Essex, Sussex, Kent counties) was the original home to at least three great Golding lines in modern America that have a common ancestor in Sir Thomas Golding, 1435-1505.

These three great lines now largely bear four major family names: Golden, Golding, Goulding and Gaulden.

Below is a sample demographic representation of how many exist in the USA today. A popular first name is William — very popular with me — so I will use William to show where these individuals live today in America (2013).

How many?

If your name is William Golden and you owe someone $20 then they may have trouble finding you if they do not have your address and you live in:

  • Florida: 300
  • California: 227
  • New York: 212
  • Texas: 188
  • Georgia: 173

Golding — still popular and in common use. Blue indicates that the individual goes by ‘Bill’ or William followed by a middle name in the phone book.

Name popularity - William Golding - 2013


Name popularity - William Goulding - 2013



Name popularity - William Gaulden - 2013

You can find the popularity and location of individuals according to their name at