Green Golding (Golden) is appointed in 1821 as a Commissioner of Roads, Bridges and Ferries in the Parish of Saint Bartholomew, South Carolina.
Source: Page 510 of The Statutes at Large of South Carolina: Containing the acts relating to roads, bridges and ferries, with an appendix, containing the militia acts prior to 1794. 1 p.l., xv, 780 p
Thanks to Carole Alessi for finding this obscure reference to Green Golding. It has long been thought that there was a Green Golding or Golden living in South Carolina during the late 18th century. It would be nice to know much more about this Green Golding – if you have info please contact Bill Golden at
A.D. 1821, No. 2272
AN ACT to establish certain Roads, Bridges and Ferries.
I. Be it enacted, by the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That General John B. Earle, Andrew Warnock, Wm. Swords, Joseph Watkins and Green Golding, be, and they are hereby appointed, commissioners, with full power to open and cause to be opened and put in repair, that part of the old Keowee road which lies between Orrsville and the ridge which divides the waters of Twenty-three Mile creek from Eighteen Mile creek.
II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the commissioners of the roads for the parish of Saint Bartholomew’s, be, and they are hereby, restrained and prohibited from opening a road along the Rice dams or through the plantation of Mrs. Lucretia Horry, near Waltersborough, in the mid parish.
- Orrsville appears to have been a community in Anderson County, South Carolina.
- Twenty-three Mile creek was also called Three and Twenty Creek, which is located in Anderson County, South Carolina.
- General John B(aylis) Earle was not a military general. General Earle was born on the North Carolina side of the North Pacolet River and in Oct. 23, 1766, his family moved to Spartanburg. He served as a drummer boy in the American Revolution, elected to the Eighth Congress and named adjutant and inspector general of South Carolina for 16 years. It was during this term of service he picked up the title general. He served throughout the War of 1812, and was a member of the “nullification conventions” in 1832-1833. He died in Anderson County Feb. 3, 1836.
- Little information is available on the above Wm Swords, but he may be the son of William Swords who served in the 6th Regiment South Carolina during the Revolutionary War and had passed away by 1795, and was also a resident of Anderson County, South Carolina.