Who was Peter Goulding, hung at Albany, New York in May 1756?

Below are some Gouldings listed in New England newspapers from before 1800:

Goulding, George, Esq., at E. Greenwich, RI, a wealthy merchant (see obituary), Nov 24, 1742.

—– There is good documentation for the Goulding family but conflicting information as to whom was George’s father: Roger or Robert Goulding?

Goulding, John, Col., at Grafton, issue (had children), Dec 1, 1791.

Goulding, Palmer, Capt., in Worcester, suddenly, issue (had children), Feb 9, 1792

—– There is very good documentation and interesting history behind the Palmer Goulding family.

Goulding, Peter, soldier in Capt. Clark’s Company, hanged at Albany, NY for desertion, May 25, 1756.

—– See my comments below the image.

Goulding, Peter, at Worcester, of a fall, issue (had children), July 23, 1790

New England Gouldings from pre-1800

Peter Goulding, d1756 at Albany, New York

Have looked and looked for the Peter Goulding that was hung in 1756.

Cannot find any Goulding family that claims a son or family member that died during this year.

My gut tells me that this Peter Goulding came from Worcester, Massachusetts. ‘Peter’ was a popular name with several generations of Gouldings from this era in the Worcester area … and there just weren’t that many Gouldings anywhere in New England.

As for Capt Clark’s Company of militia, I could only find one from this time period. Captain Samuel Clark formed a company at Braintree, Massachusetts in February 1756 with intent to go to Crown Point, New York.

The men of this company came from a wide collection of Massachusetts towns: Taunton, Abington, Bridgewater, Scituate, Boston and other towns.