John Golding is the son of Sir William Golding and brother to Sir Thomas Golding.
John was not a ‘Sir’ but he was quite wealthy. His wealth was such that he paid for a small church (chapel), Church of St. Mary the Virgin at Glemsford, to be built over his grave, which is beside the altar. John also generously left land and wealth not only to his family but gave money to his servants and to the local poor in his will.

Photo by Bob Jones / St Mary’s Church, Glemsford, via Wikimedia Commons
Below is the late 1496 Will of John Golding, his date of death not recorded but the will was put into force as of May 1497.
THE WILL OF JOHN GOLDING In the name of God. Amen.
“JOHN G0LDING of GLEMSF0RDE, the elder, clothmaker, in the diocese of Norwich, to be buried in the Churchyard a Jesus Altar on the South side in the saide town of Glemsforde.
I bequeath the High Altar 13/4 and to the priests, clerks, and poor folk on my burying 6/8.
I will that a chapell be made over me where 1 shall ly in the saide churchyard and thereto bequeath £40
To all the four orders of Freress i.e. Sudbury, Clare, Babwell and Cambridge, to each of them 10/- to sing St. Gregory’s Trentall for me and my friends soules.
Item; to Johanna, my wife the house I dwell in for 1ife and £100.
To Dan, my son of Bury £40,
To William, my son, house and land which I have in Poslingforth at Bulley Grenes and £40 and a meadow called TURPITTES and three acres called SEGELAND in Glemsford
To John my son land in Glemsford except CHAMBERSCROFT in NETHERSTREET.
To John my son,the younger, house in Poslingford.
To Margery Trumbill my daughter £80.
To Kath Wood my daughter £30 and land called CROSSES
To Joan Hill my daughter, Chamberscroft and three acres in Pentlowe, and twenty marks.
To all my Spinners l2d. each.
To Joan Golding daughter of William my son ten marks
To each of my children’s children 20/-
To my servants 3/4d each.
To the poor of Melford 6/8,
Executors: William my son and John Golding the elder
Supervisor Joan my wife.
Proved 80th May 1497 by the Executors named in the will