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Book – Old King William Homes and Families
KING WILLIAM, VIRGINIA … An interesting downloadable digital book to have on your bookshelf. Printed in 1897 and actually does have information about families not available elsewhere.
This book is packed full of history beyond ‘born, bred, wed and dead’. Begins with the county’s founding, interrelationship with Indians, naming many, and presents an interweaving of who was who in the community and how they are related.
One of my fav families to research: Gouldmans. A brief Gouldman genealogy is presented with an understandable error. Elizabeth Gouldman, born 1698, married into the Waring family, is listed as the daughter of Francis Gouldman — he was actually her uncle who watched closely over her. Elizabeth’s father Thomas Gouldman II died shortly before her birth in 1698, acknowledging in his last will and testament that a child was expected soon after his death.
BONUS: This book also offers some nice very clear illustrations of properties in the King William area. Source: Old King William Homes and Families: An Account of Some of the Old Homesteads and Families of … by Peyton Neale Clarke, 1897 … DOWNLOAD at