
Keeling, Kelinge, Kelian

There are numerous threads from these families interwoven via DNA and genealogy into my own family.

Some notes … not in any particular order other than approximate time sequence.

My Keelings and DNA

My relationship to Keelings: Our Goldens once had a male line grandfather shared with the Keelings. yDNA testing indicates that this was probably at some time between the late 1500s to 1600s.

1732 — atDNA Matches (x5): James Keeling, 1710–, married to Mary Bott, 1719– on 23 Aug 1732 at Parwich, Derbyshire, England, came to USA and settled in the Frederick, Virginia area by 1737 when their son James Keeling, 1737–1789, was born; married to Martha Cass, 1747–1789.

1837 — yDNA Match: An English Keeling family from Hungerford, Berkshire, England immigrated to New York. A male Keeling descendant took a FamilyTreeDNA yDNA test. Our Goldens and these Keelings are a 67 marker yDNA match. Upgrade of this test to a FamilyTreeDNA Y700 test would indicate to within 75 years in the past when we shared a grandfather. [1]Our Goldens have taken Y700 tests, so we know our travels through time with exception of 1100-1740. yDNA indicates that we (Goldens and Keelings) come from the Oldenburg area of Germany as of 1100 … Continue reading

>> Our yDNA R1b Keeling Kin descend from James Keeling, 1803–1871, born Hungerford, Berkshire, England, 3 July 1803 … and wife Jane Jenni Lloyd, 1807–1892. [2]Parents: James Keeling, 1771–1856, … born Etchingwell or Sidmonton, Hampshire, England … and wife Mary Mildenhall, 1767–1848 … Grandparents:  Thomas Keeling, 1742–1821, born … Continue reading [3]A Keeling of special interest is Edward Keeling , birth year and place is unknown. He prepared his LWT in April 1687. Wife Mary Warriner is named as executrix and Joshua Davis is her assistant. … Continue reading

If you are related to these Keelings then let’s chat: Bill Golden, … Am looking for our own connection back in time. YDNA testing by Keelings can help with this. [4]There was an immigrant Keeling line in Virginia that died out within its first generation: 

All Keelings and DNA

American yDNA-tested male Keelings exist in at least five (5) distinct male lines. They have not been kin due to a shared male-line grandfather for tens of thousands of years, with exception to the two R1b lines.

Keeling male lineages can be identified by their yDNA branches: E-M35, J-M267, J-M304, R1b U106 and R1b R-P312.

Recommended yDNA tests for learning more: Inexpensive, good solid test, providing info on your atDNA, mtDNA and yDNA type — but does not provide info on your STRs and SNPs:  23andMe … To get all the technical details to confirm your yDNA (or mtDNA) to specific branches going back thousands of years, take one of the FamilyTreeDNA tests.

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Keelings Arriving in Americas

Edward Keeling arrives in Virginia at New Kent County, in 1680 … 1680 Jul 10: … Edward Keeling … Richard Clark, 736 acs., New Kent Co., S. side of Yorke Riv., at the mouth of little cr., where it falls into Skimino Cr; adj. William Whitmore; land formerly Arthur Price’s, neare the Labour in Vaine Path, &c; 10 July 1680, p. 42. Trans. of 15 pers: Samll Higins (or Stigins) [Samuel Higgins / Stigins], Walter Patso, Nich. Young, Ben. Heath [Benjamin Heath], Tim. Boyter [Timothy Boyter], Tim. Hatches [Timothy Hatches], Ed. Keeling [Edward Keeling], Rich. Gregory [Richard Gregory], Rob. Smith [Robert Smith], Jno. Hailes [Jonathan / Johnathan Cooke], Danll. Ware [Daniel Ware], Jos. Fellowes [Joseph Fellowes]; “one more”.

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  • Find R1b Keelings … 

Got info? Bill Golden

Comments, Questions and Thoughts

You can reach Bill Golden at is moderated by Bill Golden — in search of his own family.

To find his, he collects and shares what he finds. His Pokemon strategy is to collect them all while finding his.

Bill Golden


1 Our Goldens have taken Y700 tests, so we know our travels through time with exception of 1100-1740. yDNA indicates that we (Goldens and Keelings) come from the Oldenburg area of Germany as of 1100 … at some point a branch went to the UK … 1100 was well after both the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions of the UK, but within the timespan of William the Conqueror’s invasion of England and the later royal dominance of the UK by the House of Orange.
2 Parents: James Keeling, 1771–1856, … born Etchingwell or Sidmonton, Hampshire, England … and wife Mary Mildenhall, 1767–1848 … Grandparents:  Thomas Keeling, 1742–1821, born Kingsclere, Hampshire, England … and wife Sarah Hood, 1747–1826 … there are hints at possible greatgrandparents but no documentation.
3 A Keeling of special interest is Edward Keeling , birth year and place is unknown. He prepared his LWT in April 1687. Wife Mary Warriner is named as executrix and Joshua Davis is her assistant. Edward’s will was introduced into probate on 1 June 1687. Numerous online genealogies list Edward as a Princess Anne County Virginia Keeling (yDNA type J1), but no so: a 1683 court record indicates that Anne Thorowgood Keeling states that her son Edward Keeling had passed ‘some years deceased’; see
4 There was an immigrant Keeling line in Virginia that died out within its first generation: