DNA Testing – 67 Markers vs BIG Y, STRs vs SNPs, some things to know

Things keep changing. Technology keeps advancing. We now know how to better balance what 67 Marker yDNA tells us and how to use SNP testing to better understand how to use in time and space to find our grandfathers.

FamilySearch says:

Most Y-DNA testers or prospective testers have heard of the Big Y-700 test, but not as many understand what it reveals about their genealogy or its importance in patrilineal research. This presentation was part of RootsTech Connect 2021. Find hundreds of free family history classes, keynotes, and more.

RootsTech http://familysearch.me/RootsTech​ is hosted by FamilySearch, a global nonprofit organization dedicated to creating inspiring family discovery experiences. RootsTech is the premier global event and learning resource for making family connections and receiving guidance to help people learn more about their families. FamilySearch is an international, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people all over the world connect with their family: past, present, and future. 

Got info? Bill Golden Norfolk1956@gmail.com

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You can reach Bill Golden at Norfolk1956@gmail.com

GoldenGenealogy.com is moderated by Bill Golden — in search of his own family.

To find his, he collects and shares what he finds. His Pokemon strategy is to collect them all while finding his.

Bill Golden Norfolk1956@gmail.com