Keelings Arriving in Americas

Edward Keeling arrives in Virginia at New Kent County, in 1680 … 1680 Jul 10: … Edward Keeling … Richard Clark, 736 acs., New Kent Co., S. side of Yorke Riv., at the mouth of little cr., where it falls into Skimino Cr; adj. William Whitmore; land formerly Arthur Price’s, neare the Labour in Vaine Path, &c; 10 July 1680, p. 42. Trans. of 15 pers: Samll Higins (or Stigins) [Samuel Higgins / Stigins], Walter Patso, Nich. Young, Ben. Heath [Benjamin Heath], Tim. Boyter [Timothy Boyter], Tim. Hatches [Timothy Hatches], Ed. Keeling [Edward Keeling], Rich. Gregory [Richard Gregory], Rob. Smith [Robert Smith], Jno. Hailes [Jonathan / Johnathan Cooke], Danll. Ware [Daniel Ware], Jos. Fellowes [Joseph Fellowes]; “one more”.

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Bill Golden

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Golden Family History and Genealogy
Heraldic elements, colors and designs from various Golden, Golding and Goulden families