History and Heritage – Assisting Unexpected Cousins

Be kind. Help. Assist in research. History and Heritage for all … Met an unexpected cousin this weekend from Kentucky. Not the first time. Will not be the last.
My cousin’s known history and heritage began with a Virginia family in the early 1800s that had moved off to Anderson County, Tennessee. Knowledge of her own line begins with an unnamed grandmother born before 1822, probably before 1818, that was enslaved.  It was life until 1865.
DNA testing indicates descent from their Virginia-Tennessee family. DNA testing for my new cousin also indicates how closely interrelated and intermarried early Virginia families were. As we were sifting through her DNA interconnections, there were no shortage of my own family’s presence in her DNA … some 10+ different surnamed Old Virginia families.
We are all in search of pre-American origin. Be kind. Embrace your history and your heritage. Help others discover … especially your unexpected cousins.

Got info? Bill Golden Norfolk1956@gmail.com

Comments, Questions and Thoughts

You can reach Bill Golden at Norfolk1956@gmail.com

GoldenGenealogy.com is moderated by Bill Golden — in search of his own family.

To find his, he collects and shares what he finds. His Pokemon strategy is to collect them all while finding his.

Bill Golden Norfolk1956@gmail.com