Nathaniel Greene “Green” Golden, Jr. 1812-1882/3

Golding / Golden / Goulding et al Family History on Facebook

Nathaniel Greene “Green” Golden (NGG), Sr. (c1782-1846+), married to Rachel Isabella Morgan, is my oldest confirmed lineal male ancestor. Almost nothing is known known about him except that he was the Roads and Ferry co-Commissioner in the Pendelton area of South Carolina from 1818-1822.

NGG Sr’s son Nathaniel Greene Golden (NGG), Jr. (1812-1882), is my line.

YDNA from descendents of three of his sons confirm that he is our most common recent ancestor (MCRA).


(Nathaniel) Green Golden Sr probably married Rachel Isabella Morgan in 1810 or 1811 .

Rachel Isabella appears in the 1850 census living next to her son Nathaniel Green Jr, with her age being listed as ’74’ and born (c1776)  in South Carolina. 1904 notes from the Morgan family history list whom each of the 11 Morgan children married. Rachel Isabella Morgan married ‘Green Goulden’.

Age of marriage: Both Green and Rachel Isabella would have been approximately 34-35 years old when they married and started a family. While that is not old by modern standards it is a late start in colonial era America. It also leaves room for one or both to have had an earlier marriage.

Nathaniel Greene “Samuel” Golden

Birth about 1812 in South Carolina
Death after 1882 in North Carolina
— Supposedly buried at Indian Gap Cemetary,  Yancey County. This cemetary does not appear to exist. However, there is an alternative theory that he is buried in Murphy, North Carolina. Murphy has an Indian Gap Road just to its south, with the nearest cemetary being in Murphy and just five miles from the road. The road connects with the road running between Graham County, NC and Fannin County, GA. NGG had a family in each.

Green” appears to be the name that he preferred to go by. For more than three decades in my search for him, family only knew his name as “Green”.

Samuel” is the name by which he is listed in the 1870 census. Only in this one instance is there any known reference to NGG as “Samuel”.

Mountain herbal doctor was what I was told by my grandparents that he did for a living. He supposedly would visit different members of the family and ‘he had a mess of kids’. I asked my grandfather (Henry Roosevelt Golden) what that meant. His response was that “Green” had several wives and a lot of kids.

Tracking NGG across time and space – a timeline

Nathaniel Green Golden

Wife: Arzela Moore (1825 – 1886)


Wife Elizabeth Jane Sosebee (1848 – 1930)


  • John Dillard Golden (1868 – 1957)
  • Sarah Ellen Golden (1878 – 1936)
  • Amanda Golden (1879 – 1979)
  • Crela Golden (1882 – 1970)

You are welcome to add to or to correct this story by contacting: Bill Golden,

BTW – I look forward to sharing your stories, photos and in-search-of quests. Contact me at the email address above.