Killed in Action / Died in Service to Country

The following Goldens, Goldings and Gouldings et al died while serving their country:
Know of a family member that died while in military service to the United States of America?
Please send their names, dates and additional information to
This list is ever growing and should not be considered comprehensive.
1780 // John Golden – South Carolina Militia. KIA 26 May 1780, Revolutionary War. Annuitant claims approved for wife and two children.
1860 – 1865 // Civil War Years: These records are very incomplete. I have a very good list of who served, but have not researched casualties.
1862 // Gaulding, John Richard Carolus — PVT, CSA, listed in military records as John R. Golding, 57th Regiment, Virginia Infantry (Confederate). KIA, 1862 at Winchester, Virginia. Buried in the Stonewall Jackson Cemetary. Son of John Bailey Gaulding, 1794 – 1876, and Nancy Spaulding, 1797 – 1873. This line is believed to descend from John Golding (1640-1684) of Gloucester County, Virginia.
1863 // Golden, Jefferson K is believed to have been taken prisoner at Champion Hill, Mississippi (Civil War) and taken to the hospital at Ft. Delaware. Hugh Simmons of the Fort Delaware Society assisted in the research for Jefferson K Golden, and concluded, “Unless I’ve over looked something, my tentative conclusion is that Private Jefferson K. GOLDEN, Company F, 27th Alabama Infantry died at Fort Delaware on 16 July 1863 and is mistakenly remembered at Finns Point as Private G. K. GOLDEN, Company F, 29th Alabama Infantry. The missing documentation for me is the garbled name on the Confederate monument. I can not find any evidence of a soldier by this name in that unit.” Jefferson K Golden was the son of Reuben Golden and grandson of William M. and Polly Turner Golden. Note: There was a G(eorge) W. Golden that served in the 29th Regiment. There was a J.K. Golden that served in the 27th Regiment, Alabama Infantry (Confederate). While there is no known record of a Jefferson K. Golden having served … it was not uncommon for soldiers being recorded only by their initials in records, so J. K. Golden is probably Jefferson K. Golden. –—>>> See Jasper N. Golden who also served in Company F, 27th Alabama Infantry and was also a grandson of William M. and Polly Turner. I believe that Jefferson may have become confused with Jasper.
1863 // Golden, Lancelot B — PVT, 46th Engineer Battalion, 20th Regiment, Virginia Cavalry (CSA). — Son of Moses Ray Golden and Rebecca Bell Rittenhouse. Enlisted 10 July 1863 in 20th Cavalry Regiment. Did not survive the war. Died on 18 November 1863 at Camp Chase Internment Camp, Columbus, Ohio; is buried there.
1864 // Golden, Marcus — PVT, 12th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Union) — my great, great uncle. Marcus was wounded in battle in late September in the Battle of Pulaski, and lingering with his wounds for almost a month before dying. His father, my great-great-grandfather Nathaniel Greene Golden (NGG, 1812-1882/3) went almost immediately to the Union hospital at Nashville to try to nurse him back to health. NGG was a ‘mountain herbal doctor’. Some family lore is that NGG brought Marcus back home to Polk County, Tennessee to try to heal him, however this is doubtful as NGG remained in Nashville long enough to be listed as a resident.
1864 // Golden, Jasper N — PVT, 27th Infantry Regiment (CSA), Alabama. Son of Shadrach “Shed” Golden and grandson of William M. Golden. Jasper became a POW on Feb 16, 1862 at the battle of Fort Donelson, Tennessee. The POW logbook records which prisoners died after capture. The entry for Jasper is blank, indicating that he was neither wounded nor had he died. Based upon family histories, it would seem that contact was lost with Jasper at some time in 1864 — but this is only a supposition as family histories list his death as “1864?”. His wife is not known to have remarried and carried the status of ‘widow’ in the census. —>>> See Jefferson K. Golden who also served in Company F, 27th Alabama Infantry and was also a grandson of William M. and Polly Turner. I believe that Jefferson may have become confused with Jasper.
1876 // Golden, Patrick M. – PVT, Company D, 7th U.S. Calvary, US Army
Place of Birth: 1849, Sligo, Ireland; Entered Service: Slater, 22 January 1872; KIA: Killed in hilltop fight, 26 June 1876, Little Bighorn Battlefield, Montana; Last Stand Hill, Little Bighorn Battlefield, Montana.
1918 // Golden, Abe of Pennsylvania. Death: 28 Sep 1918. Buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France. Private, U.S. Army, 145th Infantry Regiment, 37th Division.
1918 // Golden , Charles of Minnesota. Death: 5 Aug 1918. Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery Romagne, France. Rank: Sergeant, U.S. Army, V Army Corps.
1918 // Golden, Harry of New York. Death: 29 May 1918. Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France. Sergeant, U.S. Army, 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division.
1918 // Golden, Horace F of Nebraska. Death: 7 Oct 1918. Buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery
Romagne, France. Private, U.S. Army. 127th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Division.
1918 // Golden, Stanley J of Pennsylvania. Death 7 Nov 1918. Buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France. Private, U.S. Army. Regiment: 61st Infantry Regiment, 5th Division.
1918 // Golden, Thomas M of Pennsylvania. Buried at Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France. Death: 31 May 1918. 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division.
1918 // Golden, William of New York. Buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France. Death: 4 Oct 1918. Private, U.S. Army, 305th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division.
1918 // Golden, William H of Pennsylvania. Death: 26 Sep 1918. Buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France. Private, U.S. Army. 316th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division.
1918 // Golding, El Roy of Illinois. MIA or Buried at Sea. Listed on Tablets of the Missing at Suresnes American Cemetery, Suresnes, France. Death: 11 Oct 1918. PFC, U.S. Army. 5th Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun Battalion.
1919 // Golden, Morea of Pelham, Georgia. Death: 5 Mar 1919. Buried St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiaucourt, France. Bugler, U.S. Army, 56th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division.
1942 // Golden, Glen Tiery of California. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, Hawaii. Death: 23 Jan 1942. Seaman, Second Class, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 3824557. Purple Heart. United States Navy.
1943 // Golden, Everett O, born 6 Jun 1920 Minneapolis, MN. KIA; shot down by enemy anti-aircraft 13 Apr 1943. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at North Africa American Cemetery, Carthage, Tunisia.
1943 // Golden, William of Kentucky. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno, Italy. Death: 30 Oct 1943, 2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: O-674485. Air Medal, Purple Heart. 445th Bomber Squadron, 321st Bomber Group, Medium.
1943 // Golden, William J of New Jersey. MIA or Buried at Sea. Listed on Tablets of the Missing at Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands. Death: 27 Sep 1943. Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: 32456878. Air Medal, Purple Heart. 323rd Bomber Squadron, 91st Bomber Group, Heavy.
1943 // Goulden, Bernard of Pennsylvania. Death: 9 May 1943. Buried at North Africa American Cemetery
Carthage, Tunisia. Merchant Seaman. Service Number: Z-089293. Mariner’s Medal. United States Merchant Marine.
1944 // Golden, Audley M of Florida. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, Hawaii. Death: 15 Jun 1944. Gunner’s Mate, Second Class, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 6042317. Purple Heart – Buried at Sea. United States Naval Reserve.
1944 // Golden, Clyde E of Maryland. Death: 18 Jun 1944. Buried at Normandy American Cemetery
Colleville-sur-Mer, France. Private, U.S. Army. Service Number: 20342268. Purple Heart. 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division.
1944 // Golden, Dale W of Indiana. Death: 5 Nov 1944. Buried at Ardennes American Cemetery
Neupre, Belgium. Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: 15104995. Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster. 849th Bomber Squadron, 490th Bomber Group, Heavy.
1944 // Golden, Edward L of Pennsylvania. Death: 7 Sep 1944. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines. Corporal, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: 13024651. Silver Star, Purple Heart. 30th Bomber Squadron, 19th Bomber Group, Heavy.
1944 // Golden, Glenn of Texas . Buried at Cambridge American Cemetery, Cambridge, England. Death: Deat: 28 Aug 1944.
1944 // Golden, Howard L of Alabama. Death: 30 Apr 1944. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: O-799382. Air Medal, Purple Heart. 319th Bomber Squadron, 90th Bomber Group, Heavy.
1944 // Golden, Howard A of Arkansas. Death: 27 Sep 1944. Buried Luxembourg American Cemetery, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Sergeant, U.S. Army. Service Number: 38332286. Purple Heart. 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division.
1944 // Golden, Mark L of California. Death: 18 Jun 1944. Buried at Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: O-461089. Air Medal, Purple Heart. 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy.
1944 // Golden, Marion E of Missouri. Death: 24 Oct 1944. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines. Seaman, Second Class, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 3422043. Bronze Star, Purple Heart. United States Navy.
1944 // Golden, Paul A of Missouri. KIA 20 Nov 1944. Buried at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: 37502473. Purple Heart. 25th Squadron, 6th Photographic Group.
1944 // Golden, Philip E of Virginia. Death: 13 Sep 1944. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Lieutenant, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 0-121894. Air Medal with Gold Star, Purple Heart. United States Naval Reserve.
1944 // Golden, Robert J of California. Death: 30 Mar 1944. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery
Cambridge, England. Ensign, U.S. Navy. Service Number: O-139511. Purple Heart. United States Naval Reserve.
1944 // Golden, Russell N of New York. Death: 23 Sep 1944. Buried at Lorraine American Cemetery
St. Avold, France. Private First Class, U.S. Army. Service Number: 32677843. Purple Heart. 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division.
1944 // Golding, Joseph T of California. Death: 16 Jun 1944. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii. Captain, U.S. Marine Corps. Service Number: 0-008728. Silver Star, Purple Heart – Buried at Sea. United States Marine Corps.
1944 // Goulding, Charles T of New York. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Death: 1 Sep 1944. Technical Sergeant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: 32626618. Air Medal, Purple Heart. His remains were recovered and identified on February 12, 2009.
1945 // Golden, Chester A of Texas. Buried at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, Henri-Chapelle, Belgium. Death: 2 Feb 1945. First Sergeant, U.S. Army. Service Number: 6292062. Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster. 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division.
1945 // Golden, Curry of Louisiana. MIA or Buried at Sea. Listed on the Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Death: 30 Jul 1945. Rank: Steward’s Mate, First Class, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 8466969. Awards: Purple Heart. United States Naval Reserve.
1945 // Golden, Edward F, Jr of Missouri. Died 24 Apr 1945. Buried at Florence American Cemetery, Florence, Italy. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army. Service Number: O1016285. Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster. 4th Tank Battalion, 1st Armored Division.
1945 // Golden, Francis X P of North Carolina. Death: 16 Jan 1945. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 0-100941. Purple Heart. United States Naval Reserve.
1945 // Golden, Jack E of Texas. Death: 15 Apr 1945. Buried Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands. Captain, U.S. Army. Service Number: O-465929. Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster. 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.
1945 // Golden, James of Arkansas. MIA or Buried at Sea 30 Jul 1945, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Seaman, First Class, U.S. Navy Service Number: 8444423. Purple Heart.
1945 // Golden, John M of Colorado. Death: 8 Sep 1945. Buried at Lorraine American Cemetery, St. Avold, France. Major, U.S. Army. Service Number: O-298712. 1265th Engineer Combat Battalion.
1945 // Golden, Leo B, Jr of Oklahoma. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Death: 9 Jan 1945. Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Forces. Service Number: 0-412104. Purple Heart. 21st Pursuit Squadron, 24th Pursuit Group.
1945 // Golden, Louis of New York. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii. Death: 26 Feb 1945. Technician Fourth Class, U.S. Army. Service Number: 32785432. Purple Heart. 483rd Anti-Aircraft Arty (Automatic Weapons) Battalion.
1945 // Golden, Luther Francis, Brewton, Ala. Descended from Mark Golden Sr (1762). died 1945 Jan. 24th in Belgium, Battle of the Bulge. Unit: 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion, 7th Armored Division.
1945 // Golden, Michael J, Jr of Pennsylvania. Death: 10 Aug 1944. Buried at Brittany American Cemetery, St. James, France. Corporal, U.S. Army. Service Number: 33335354. 305th Engineer Combat Battalion, 80th Infantry Division.
1945 // Golden, Mitchell A of Michigan. MIA or Buried at Sea
Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii. Death: 19 Mar 1945. Seaman, First Class, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 8622712. Purple Heart – Buried at Sea. United States Naval Reserve.
1945 // Golden, Russell C of Indiana. Death: 24 Feb 1945. Buried at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Technician Fifth Class, U.S. Army. Service Number: 35899831. 3016th Engineer Maintenance Company.
1945 // Golding, Ellwood D of Illinois. Death: 26 Mar 1945. Buried at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines. Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army. Service Number: 36382351. Purple Heart. 161st Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division.
1945 // Golding, William H of Massachusetts. Death: 4 Jul 1945. Buried at Epinal American Cemetery, Epinal, France. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army. Service Number: O-444551. Bronze Star. Signal Corps.
1946 // Golden, Harold Harry of New York. Death: 22 Jan 1946. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines. Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps. Service Number: 406951. Purple Heart. United States Marine Corps.
1946 // Golden, James J of Pennsylvania. Death: 8 Jan 1946. MIA or Buried at Sea. Listed on Tablets of the Missing at Epinal American Cemetery, Epinal, France. PFC, U.S. Army. Service Number: 33591899. Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster. 314th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Division.
1946 // Golden, Morton H of Illinois. Death: 2 Jan 1946. MIA or Buried at Sea, listed on Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu, Hawaii. Radioman, Third Class, U.S. Navy. Service Number: 6103530. Purple Heart. United States Naval Reserve.
1950 // Golden, Billy R of Dallas, Arkansas or Texas. Born 1931. KIA 1950 Jul 20th, Korea. Private First Class, U.S. Army. Service Number: 25429386.
1950 // Golden, Donald – b 1931; from Franklin, Ohio. KIA September 3, 1950 in Korea. PFC, U.S. Army. Service Number: 15260460.
1950 // Golden Napier of Ferguson, West Virginia, b 13 May 1932. Died December 4, 1950 in Korea of Wounds. PFC, USMC, Service Number: 1102249.
1950 // Golden, Peter Travis of Cook, Illinois, b 1924. Death: 1 Dec 1950. MIA – Presumed Dead. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army. Service Number: O-2208514.
1950 // Golden, Richard Mead, USMC, PFC, Korea. Born Oct 29, 1928. came from Brewer, Penobscot County, Maine. KIA 1950 Nov 12th, Korea. Service Number: 593681.
1950 // Golden, Robert L of Montgomery, Ohio, born 1928. KIA in Korea 5 Jul 1950. Private First Class, U.S. Army. Service Number: 15260636.
1950 // Golden, Walter T. of San Joaquin, California. Born 1930. Came from San Joaquin, California, KIA 1950 Jul 27th, Korea. Private, U.S. Army. Service Number: 19341707.
1950 // Golding, Bernard. Born 1929, of Wyoming County, West Virginia. KIA 1950 Jul 20th, Korea. Private First Class, U.S. Army. Service Number: 15274162.
1950 // Goulding, Marvin P of Los Angeles, California. Birth: 1917. Death: KIA 2 Sep 1950, Korea. First Lieutenant, U.S. Army. Service Number: O-1824987.
1951 // Golden, Alphonce of Orleans, Louisiana, b 1914. Died in Korea 28 Feb 1951 while Prisoner of War. Master Sergeant, U.S. Army; Service Number: 34482412.
1951 // Golden, Donal L of Cleburne, Arkansas. Born 1930. Death 23 Mar 1951, Died of Wounds. Sergeant, U.S. Army. Service Number: 16310747.
1951 // Golden, Donald L. ARMY, SGT, Korea
Born 1930. Came from Cleburne, Texas. KIA 1951 Mar 23rd, Korea.
1951 // Golden, Newman Camay of Richmond, California, born 12 Oct 1919. Death: 17 Oct 1951 in Korea. MIA – Presumed Dead. First Lieutenant, U.S. Air Force. Service Number: AO-934440.
1951 // Golden, William E of St Joseph, Michigan, b 1927, KIA 7 October 1951 in Korea. Corporal, U.S. Army. Service Number: 55023980.
1952 // Gauldin, Curtis C., ARMY, PFC, Korea
Born 1930 Henry County, Virginia. KIA Oct 20 1952. Body not recovered.
1952 // Golding, Herbert Louis, USMC, SSG, KIA Korea. Born Nov 28, 1930. From Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina. KIA 9 Aug 1952. Body recovered. Service Number: 1068617.
1953 // Golden, Herbert, ARMY, PFC, KIA Korea. Born 1932. Came from Bronx, Brooklyn, New York. KIA 1953 Feb 24th, Korea. Service Number: 51161869.
1951 // Golden, Newman Camay, USAF, 1st LT, Korea
Born Oct 12, 1919. Came from Richmond, Contra Coasta County. KIA 1951 Oct 17th, Korea.
1963-1975 // Vietnam War Years:
1966 // GOLDEN, SP4 KENNETH D Jr, US Army, KIA Vietnam 3 Apr 1966
1967 // GOLDING, SP4 JERRY BOGGIE, US Army, KIA Vietnam
1968 // GOLDEN, LCPL CALVIN Jr, USMC, KIA Vietnam, Quang Tri, 18 Jun 1968.
1968 // GOLDEN, PFC JACK DUANE, US Army, KIA Vietnam
1968 // GOLDEN, PFC JIMMY LEE, US Marine Corps, KIA Vietnam, 11 Jul 1968. Served with G CO, 2ND BN, 7TH MARINES, 1ST MARDIV, III MAF.
1968 // GOLDEN, SP4 JOHN MICHAEL, US Army, KIA Vietnam, Gia Dinh, 25 Jun 1968.
1968 // GOLDEN, 2LT KENNETH EDWARD , US Army, KIA Vietnam.
1968 // GOLDEN, SSG MERVIN DENNIS, US Army, KIA Vietnam, Pleiku, 9 Jun 1968.
1968 // GOLDEN, SP4 RONALD DUANE, US Army, KIA South Vietnam, Thua Thien province, 20 Aug 1968. Served with 1st Cavalry Division, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry, D Company.
1968 // GOLDER, 1LT EDWARD ENOCH III, US Army, KIA Vietnam 25 Oct 1968
1969 // GOLDEN, PFC GEORGE KENNETH, US Army, KIA Vietnam, Binh Long, 28 Mar 1969.
1969 // GOLDEN, SP4 BARRY LEIGH, US Army, Vietnam, Gia Dinh, died on 1 Apr 1969 when aircraft crashed. Served with 1st Aviation Brigade, 210th Aviation Battalion, 12th Aviation Group, 120th Aviation Company.
1969 // GOULDIN, CPL THOMAS MILTON, US Army, KIA 18 Nov 1969, Quang Nam, Vietnam.
1970 // GOLDEN, SSG DONALD LEWIS, KIA Vietnam, Quang Tin, 30 Nov 1970.
1970 // GOLDEN, SP4 WILLIAM JOSEPH, US Army, KIA Vietnam May 10, 1970, served with 7TH SQDN, 1ST CAVALRY, 1ST AVIATION BDE.
2004 // Golding, Nicholes Darwin – Sgt., US Army, KIA Afghanistan Feb. 13, 2004
Ghazni, Afghanistan. Golding was assigned to C Company, 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York. He was killed in an anti-tank mine explosion. Nick was a 1998 graduate of Narraguagus High School in Harrington, Maine. After graduation, he wanted to follow the path of his grandfather and joined the Army.
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To find his, he collects and shares what he finds. His Pokemon strategy is to collect them all while finding his.
Bill Golden