A Probable History of the Golden Family
of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761

Updated 2025.02.04

Golden Genealogy and Family History


~~~ Pre-1761 Origin: Virginia 

~~~~~~ Albemarle, Virginia and Goldens

~~~ Our Golden Family, 1761 to 2024 

~~~ Our yDNA Genetic HistorySimilar Surname Searches 

~~~ Our atDNA Genetic History 

~~~ Confusing Maternal Paternal DNA Matches Pre-1770

~~~ Adopted Family Colors and Crest

~~~ Our Golden Family Lines between 1755-1761  

~~~ Our Golden Family Lines Since 1761

~~~~~~ Thomas Golden (Patriarch), born before 1735

~~~~~~~~~ Eleanor Golden, born about 1745, possibly in Virginia.

~~~~~~~~~ William Golden, born about 1750, possibly in Virginia.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Ellender/Eleanor, aka Nelly/Nellie (Golden), born c1755; could be second wife of William.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nathaniel Greene Golden, born about 1783 South Carolina yDNA Y700, R-BY61503

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isaac Golden, born about 1784 South Carolina  yDNA

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Margaret Frances Golden, born about 1785 South Carolina

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FNU Daughter, born 1786-1789 South Carolina

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abraham Golden, born 1790 South Carolina yDNA

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FNU Daughter, born 1792-1795 South Carolina

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sarah Frances Golden, born 1796 South Carolina

~~~~~~~~~ Samuel Golden, born about 1770 South Carolina yDNA Y700, R-BY61503

~~~~~~~~~ John Golden (PNC), born about 1775 South Carolina yDNA, Y700 R-BY61503

~~~~~~~~~ Thomas W. Golden, born about 1775 South Carolina

~~~ Military Service

~~~ Goldens Possibly Related 

~~~~~~ David Golden, born bef. 1850, married to Sara Johnson, born bef. 1850, parents to David Mitchell Golden (Jackson), 1877–1951, of b/d Greene, Tennessee [1]DNA matches with two granddaughters; see https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/173427102/person/142254175449/facts
~~~~~~ Orrena Golden (Gooden), born c1815-1879 South Carolina [2]See DNA matches for possible daughter of William Moody Golden: DNADB208, DNADB209  
~~~~~~ Rebecca Golden (Thrift), born c1815 SC – 1865 SC
~~~~~~ Sophronia Caroline Golden (Hughes), born c1819 South Carolina
~~~~~~ Thomas Golden / Goalder (Goare/Gore) c1685 of Middlesex, Virginia[3]There are living Goalders today (2024) and they come from the eastern James River region of Virginia, on both sides of the river. None of our Goldens have any DNA matches with ANY family named … Continue reading
~~~~~~ William Melton Golden, c1776-1852, Virginia yDNA, Y700 underway 12/2024
~~~~~~ William Miles / Miles W. Golden, born c1813 South Carolina
~~~~~~ William Moody Golden, born c1795-1799 South Carolina
~~~~~~ Vardel Virgil Golden, born c1814 probably in South Carolina

~~~ Genealogy of William Golden, Golden Family History Curator

Golden Genealogy and Family History

Gouldman Kinship

~~~ Gouldmans descended from Thomas Gouldman, c1640-1684, should show yDNA test results of I-M253 I-F2642.[4]Three yDNA tests were undertaken in 2022 and in 2023 of Gouldman lines that branched in the 1760s. Two were lines that remained in Virginia and one was of Francis Gouldman who moved to Georgia before … Continue reading

Our Goldens may be descended from a daughter of a Virginia Gouldman from the time period of 1710-1730. An earlier theory was that our Goldens may have descended from a Gouldman father before 1730 [5]The theory of a Gouldman male as a patriarch of the our Golden family is due to an overwhelming number of atDNA matches with different descendant lines of the Virginia Gouldman family, whether they … Continue reading — descent from a male Gouldman, at least from the first two sons of Edward Gouldman, c1660-1710, has been disproven as of 2023 per yDNA testing. Our Goldens are R1b and Gouldmans are I-M253. [6]The theory of Gouldman descent for our Goldens depends also upon numerous DNA matches with the Awbry, Donaho, Meador, Tomlin and several other families which are grandparental or lateral kin … Continue reading

A theory, supported by DNA, but not documentation: our Goldens have a familial relationship with the Noel family. [7]Enter Winston family history of daughter Elizabeth Noel marrying ___ Gouldman. The Noels were adjoining property neighbors to the Gouldmans and did intermarry with the Gouldman family. [8]Enter Gouldman Noel intermarriage info here.

Gouldman Family History

~~~ Thomas Gouldman, c1640-1684

~~~~~~ Sons of Thomas Gouldman: Edward Gouldman, Francis Gouldman, Robert Gouldman, Thomas Gouldman 

~~~~~~~~~ Gouldman Orphans and Orphaned Lines

~~~~~~~~~ Barbara Goulden, William Goulden, Raines and Rainey

Golden Genealogy and Family History


Keelings … Searching for R1b DF98 Keelings

Our Goldens are a 67 marker match with a Keeling family that immigrated to New York, USA in 1837: James Keeling, 1803–1871, born Hungerford, Berkshire, England, 3 July 1803, and wife Jane Jenni Lloyd, 1807–1892. Our Goldens had been in the USA since at least 1745 and probably since the 1600s. A possibility is that we are yDNA kin to Edward Keeling (bef. 1656 – bef. 1 Jun 1687 when his will proven), married to Mary Warriner (bef. 1656–1726). They were married ‘before 27 Feb 1676’ at Old Rappahanock County, now Essex County, Virginia per the legal recording of the marriage. [9]Both Edward and Mary are listed as born before 1656 only because Edward himself needed to be age 21 (1655 or earlier). We have no known record hinting at their ages. Source: Married Well and Often: … Continue reading

There were no children born within the Keeling-Warriner marriage. Edward Keeling left a last will and testament naming no descendant children. Edward Gouldman, son of Thomas Gouldman (c1640-1684), was named as a godchild and an inheritance left to him.

Edward Keeling‘s origin is unknown. Some unsourced genealogies claim that he descends from the Lower Norfolk, aka Princess Anne, Keelings that had lived in Virginia since 1628.[10] This was debunked by 1682 legal testimony of Ann Thoroughgood Keeling, mother to the Lower Norfolk Edward Keeling that her son had passed some years before. [11]Ann Thorowgood, aka Thoroughgood, had remarried into the Bray family by time of her preparation of her own last will and testament. She names herself as the widow of Thomas Keeling. Edward Keeling of Old Rappahanock County, now Essex County, was very much alive in 1682 and passed in 1687.


Golden Genealogy and Family History

Kindred Profiles

These surnames and kindred individuals may appear in either DNA matches or within genealogies.

  = No info added yet, plenty in my collection

Aubrey, Awbrey, AwbryBelcherCatlet, CatlettCaraway, CarrawayCarnleyClaiborne, ClaybornCreechDandridgeDeLoachDugdaleDutch Fork Families (DFF)FoxGoalder / GoulderGodin Gaudin ChatillonGoare, Gore Golson, Gholson, Gholston, Gulston GodwinGoforthGolding, GouldinGoldman, Golmon, Golemon Goldman and Starnes, Stearnes (German origin before 1711) … Goldthwaite GouldGowenHolmanHooperHopperHoskinsJones…  Keeling  … KilgoreKinlein / CarnleyKinard / KinnardKirklandKnightKullaslakten see Trulsson / Nils Trulsson … Marcum / MarkhamMeador, Meadows… Milam … MorganNalleNoel, NowellParry/PerryQuisenberryRaines/RaineyRottenberry  … Scoggins and ScrogginsShandsSlaughterSnowdenStarnes/StearnesStephensTaliaferroTomlin/Thomlin … WaringWarrinerWilmoth

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Golden Genealogy and Family History


~~~ Bibliography

~~~ Mini-Biographies

~~~ Version History and New Information  

~~~ Errors Created in my Research 

~~~ Create New Personal Profile page: … Golden

©2025 William Golden, Norfolk1956@gmail.com // Material may be shared without requesting permission and with appropriate attribution: A Probable History of the Golden Family of Newberry, South Carolina Since 1761, compiled by William Golden


1 DNA matches with two granddaughters; see https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/173427102/person/142254175449/facts
2 See DNA matches for possible daughter of William Moody Golden: DNADB208, DNADB209  
3 There are living Goalders today (2024) and they come from the eastern James River region of Virginia, on both sides of the river. None of our Goldens have any DNA matches with ANY family named Goalder, with the lone exception of the Eliza Gore line which married Thomas Goalder, aka Golden.
4 Three yDNA tests were undertaken in 2022 and in 2023 of Gouldman lines that branched in the 1760s. Two were lines that remained in Virginia and one was of Francis Gouldman who moved to Georgia before 1800 and this line became Goldmans.
5 The theory of a Gouldman male as a patriarch of the our Golden family is due to an overwhelming number of atDNA matches with different descendant lines of the Virginia Gouldman family, whether they be male or female. For Francis Gouldman, c1695/1706-1763, there are 56 atDNA matches with his descendants (2024), and some seven (7) or more with Francis’ great aunt Elizabeth Gouldman, 1698-1743.
6 The theory of Gouldman descent for our Goldens depends also upon numerous DNA matches with the Awbry, Donaho, Meador, Tomlin and several other families which are grandparental or lateral kin involving a Gouldman male or female parent. Those matches remain to be explained.
7 Enter Winston family history of daughter Elizabeth Noel marrying ___ Gouldman.
8 Enter Gouldman Noel intermarriage info here.
9 Both Edward and Mary are listed as born before 1656 only because Edward himself needed to be age 21 (1655 or earlier). We have no known record hinting at their ages. Source: Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800, page 209.
11 Ann Thorowgood, aka Thoroughgood, had remarried into the Bray family by time of her preparation of her own last will and testament. She names herself as the widow of Thomas Keeling.